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This post serves as a way and method of connection/communication with your truest self, as well as explanation of what it means. It may be a long post, but if you are interested in knowing further about such concept in a different perspective/view than general, it might worth it.

First off, to understand what this Existence is about, you first need to understand what the word "Self" means. There are many definitions and variations of the word Self out there, each referring to an ego or more evolved being that represents you or some guardian connected to your essence. Origin Self, Higher Self, True Self, Inner Self, Outer Self, False Self etc etc etc. It is usually and generally defined "Self being the person's essential Being that distinguishes them from others, the particular person's nature or personality, the qualities that make an individuality." So, many of the terms mentioned above don't make much sense if you think about it, having all of these can be quite confusing.

But if considering the Essence of Being, this is what can be highlighted. Since there are some cultures and philosophies that believe in a supposed distinction of an individual and a Self, one being the fragmentation of the essence of the other, then the above definitions would not be exactly correct or perhaps not the same perspective on the same term. Following the definition of "Essence Fragmentation", the terms Higher Self and True Self or Inner Self/Inner Being and Origin Self make more sense.

To put it as simply as possible: Origin Self would be the "I" of origin or point from which my existence as a whole comes. Inner Self or Inner Being would be the "I" beyond the individuality that I normally show the world (Incarnation). So, by definition and default, an Origin Self or Inner Self is nothing more than a True Self, the self that means your essence and nature in the purest form, indivisible. So, while you refer to your Origin Self, it's possible that it is not the same as your Higher Self. The same goes to your Inner Self, it could mean both your Origin Self or your Higher Self (in some circumstances). But if you refer to your True Self, you are referring to yourself as the whole of your existence regardless of manifestations.

Now, to explain what Manifestations are: Manifestation in this context is a process of fragmentation of essence. That is, you as a human, are a manifestation of your Higher Self. In other words, your Higher Self has incarnated here on Earth in human form, which created a fragmentation of essence. This means that while you are here, there is a form of you in another Realm. However, your Higher Self in some cases is your True Self, your true original essence. But there are cases where your Higher Self is not the same as your True Self. When this is the case, it means that your Higher Self is just another manifestation (Another fragmentation of essence) of who you really are. This means that your True Self has incarnated somewhere as your Higher Self, and your Higher Self has incarnated here on Earth as Human.

This may be a little complicated at first, but it becomes easy to understand as you go deep into this topic.

In any case, let's just focus on the Higher Self as if it were your authentic True Self. This is a Being that exists like you, in another Realm other than the one we live in as a human now. This same being has a life, just like you have here on Earth, but in different circumstances where he/she may not be exactly human but another type of being, but also has emotions, feelings, eats and drinks, sleeps and wake up, live and die(in few cases it may be immortal) just like you. Higher/True Selves may have friends and families, individualities and personalities, perspectives and knowledge, and most of all, they are often aware of their incarnation, but their incarnation are not aware of them. Higher/True Selves holds your true nature of who you really are before you being a human in most of the cases. If you have ever had a feeling in your life that you are not part of this place, or not part of this body or that humans are a curiosity for you, it is a possible indication that your essence/core is not really human. However, since you are incarnated here as a human, obviously you will have a human soul and human consciousness.

With a good connection to your Higher/True Self, you are able to communicate with it, experience it with its senses, and gain immense knowledge, wisdom and access to things that you would make impossible or not real. To connect, you often need to be open to new possibilities, even if they don't make much sense to you at the moment. With enough development, it is possible for you to come even closer to your nature, in every sense and aspect and manifest it here into your incarnation. The more connected with your Higher/True Self you are, the more answers to any of your questions will be answered, the more knowledge of the unknown you will have and the more secrets of many kind you will know.

This was just a basic introduction of the term Higher/True Self, but depending, I may explain more further in another post. 

Now for the methods of connection. As anything you want in life, there should be a little of effort at least to reach a goal or a state. The first thing to do is getting to a comfortable position and relax your mind, meditate and let your mind be in peace for a little. Do respiration techniques if it helps. To the action now, you would simply visualize yourself entering inside you, imagine that you enter inside your being and you are searching for something, obviously your intention will be to reach to your True Self. Once you reach inside yourself, you remain in this place(whatever it be, all blank/white or all black/darkness room, or whatever it is you imagine being inside your essence). Remain there until you feel something or have a gut feeling. Your intentio should be clear: To encounter your authentic True Self. If this is successful, different things can happen, from you hearing a voice to even seeing something or some vision, or a feeling of just knowing something. Doing it, it let clear the intention for your true self that you want communicate with them, and so it may answer you in some form. 

Another method, that may be easier to go through, is actually trying to contacting your true self mentally, in a Telepathic fashion. You just close your eyes and with intention says mentally "I connect to my authentic true self's energy and senses, let me see what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel." Then you wait to see if anything happens. You may also ask for any confirmation of it's existence or if it is them really by some physical proof that you would know it is them. 

Whatever you may feel and if your intuition is okay with it, you should remember what you experience for later replicate and have an easier way to connect to them back. If you feel, an energy, concentrate and remember on feeling again that energy. If you hear or view something, concentrate and remember the sound or sight you have and ask to experience again.

Initially, if you are successful with this, you may very well actually hear your true self calling for you(at the begining it possibly will have the same voice as you, so it's hard to distinguish from your own thoughts or suggestions). You may receive different response too, like feeling strong connection with something you don't really understand or maybe feel an energy different than yours and yet recognize it is pretty familiar, or in some cases you will just know things that can improve your connection. You may have dreams and flashes-like visions too. This process may take a time to actually notice some experience, but if you use Psychic Senses Activation and True Self Connection audios, your progress may be faster and easier to reach the goal. The audio has a safe feature to prevent any impostor posing as your Self.

Good Luck!



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