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This post may focus on learning to shield yourself in variated ways, but also the basics for get started at energy control/manipulation.

This post may be long but an explicative one more in practical way. For you to have confidence you made your first shield, you need to know and be aware of your own energy and how it feels. So the first is you knowing how your energy is, the feeling it pass.

Direct to the practice: Stand in comfortable position,  relax your body and let it be perceptive, focus on the present moment and try to chill your mind(thoughts). Next, you start visualizing yourself emanating a mist/smoke form from your body, with color of your preference, it would be your energy. While doing this, try to feel it on your body as realistic as possible. On this part you may associate a physical feeling with the feeling of energy, it is just to turn things easy for you to detect it. It could be a breeze, a hot/warm feeling, a cold, a tingling, a vibration etc, or just let the feeling to manifest itself and remember it. Try to hold this feelind for 5 mins straight and repeat the exercise when you are comfortable. With time you will feel the characteristic of your own energy, as how strong it is, what feelings/emotions it pass to you etc.

Other basic technique to start feeling energy is the famous energy ball. You would like to visualize energy going to your arms and then to your hands. Then you imagine the energy on your hands leaving and forming a ball, with your hands in shell-shaped, separated a little from each other. You need to feel whatever feeling will be generated from this and remember the feeling. Try this for 3x when you have time.

Another good practice is to make your energy run and flow through your whole body. Again visualize your energy as a mist/smoke form and flowing to different parts of your body, but now you will focus your feeling in a specific way. You need to actually feel your energy start from the center of your body, and then flowing it to the right arm while visualizing. Then you would only feel it on the right arm. Then you move your energy to the left arm, then to the right leg and so on. This will allow you to feel energy in a isolated way than in all your body. This can increase the accuracy of your energy and feeling. Try this whenever you can as you may need to precisely operate your energy in different energetic works. With creative variations you can actually get very good precision and concentration/isolation of energy.

Now that you can clearly feel your energy, you can create defensive shields to help you protect yourself from other energies, negative energies etc. Also in this step you will get a basic conception of how to programmate your energy to do a specific task.

Direct to the practice: Stand in comfortable position,  relax your body and let it be perceptive(Make sure you have practiced and have an awareness of your energy already), focus on the present moment and try to chill your mind(thoughts). Next, you will visualize your personal energy expandng and flowiing to outside your body and forming a bubble or circle/sphere around your whole body. This is a shield.

Now for the fun part, while you are doing the shield, you can mentally "say" or visualize what you want this shield to do. You could tell it to shield yourself against negative energies or energy drains, while visualizing the shield doing the action. It is actually the programmation of what you want the shield to do, be it by visualization alone or mentally communicating with the energy. Though take note that the process of programming it to do the task is before the shield is done. You have to actually do the programmation while forming the shield. Then you can set parameters for your shield, like duration, defensive properties, strength, intensity etc.

An example of shield: Visualize your energy forming a sphere around you, while mentally telling the shield to reflect all negative energies or emotional energies from people, and to hold the shield for 1 hour. The more intense you visualize, the more intense the process will be. To help a little in the visual part, imagine that your energy/mist (preference color) is very bright like a blinding light, is doing all the proccess to the shield forming, as if you were inside a ball of blinding light. It will actually increase the intensity and strength of the energy. You should be perceptive and allow yourself to feel all the process for you to be used to the feeling.

Another example you could do is create a bubble and imagine that this bubble inside is flowing energy down through your body like a waterfall, clearing all negativity or clearing your energy. Doing all this while visualizing and mentallizing to energy do the task, while trying to feel the process as most realistic possible. You can do shields for different things, depending of your creativity and test your control of energy regarding shields. As much it will protect you, you should remember it is only to metaphysical phenomenas and not for physical. Don't expect to create a shield to counter physical punchs and go test it, I am not responsible for black eyes! I am not saying it is impossible to create physical effects with energy, though is very hard and should not be the focus here.

The more you practice, the better you become in every sense at doing energy control and the more you will be sucesptible to try new things with energy to have some fun, and as consequence it becomes more natural to you like doing some physical activity.

Notes: You will notice that every energy technique will require you to use visualzation. It's a basic form to directionate your intentions and commands energy to do some task, a way to manifest your thoughts and guide energy with it.

Every energy task should be done with strong intention, if you just imagine without any willing of doing it, it will be just an inert imagination without any stimulation.

While meditation is not required to do be able to do these things, usually it is good to meditate 5 or 10 minutes, always before starting a session, to relax your mind and body. States of mind may be required for some in the begining but as you go practicing and turning it a natural aspect of yourself, you can do it regardless of states of mind and instantly without meditation requeriments.

To programmate your energy to do some task, wheter you mentally communicate/tell it to do something while visualizing the action, or you can visualize the action inside the project you are doing (Inside a energy ball or Inside a shield, just like a screen recording something).

I will let some free images to help in the visualization of some techniques.

Good Luck and Best Developments!




This is absolutely fantastic! You are incredible & have once again outdone yourself! Thank you! 🙏


Thank you for your kind words, Shari. Hope it helps in some way!