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This post is a little tip/advice for those who listen to Subconscious Connection audio and want to connect easier with your own subconscious consciously.

As the audio description indicates, it will help you weaken the boundary between your Conscious and Subconscious mind, and actually have a little access to it in the high end purpose of the audio. But without actually having a practice experience, you will hardly know how it works anyway. So here are some few techniques you could be using to improve and implement along the audio's usage:

Visualize yourself inside your head(or mind) in an empty room, it can be any colour fitting your standards. Then you want something to symbolize your Subconscious, you can visualize it as simple huge sphere or a palace/castle or a portal, whatever it be as long you're comfortably with. So what you want to do is connect with it and possibly access what is inside it, at this point you have just to feel you're connected with your palace, and if you really feel it, then it could be a sign that the connection is going well, if otherwise, you need more time. You will really feel it like your consciousness is connected with your subconscious mind and desires, and as you want to access what is inside it, you would start like communicating with your sphere or castle(subconscious) just like you would with your relatives, and ask for something. For example, you could just ask "Hey buddy, let me know memory of ***" "I want to change my nose to xxxx" And then you just wait for what happen. While doing this technique you actually have to try feel every visualization as realistic possible and principally of all, to have intention to do really what you seek to do.

Another technique is basically like the Mind Palace of Sherlock, while you just create a room with your thoughts while intending it to have all controls that leads to your body, like an interface where you have buttons for what you want to achieve, like body adjustments or memories or specific information and knowledge and such.

You will notice that these methods are actually intuitive and that you will have to develop it in order to really understand your own subconscious mind. Once you get used to it, you will do changes in your body with your own control, along achieve various segments that exist inside subconscious. Good Luck!


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