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Don't get in the way of what the horny, single elf-momma wants.




2 month for one page? It is good reason why you shouldn't have patron


It takes a lot more time than one may think to make comics, especially when it involves color and detail. Where are the dialog boxes going to go? Does the plate have the same shaped blob and two specs of food as it did in the previous scenes? If something is wrong in the scene, it WILL be spotted and called out. "Behold! The magic food! Once empty, now full!"


Go see Kipteitei. He uploads new pages every 2 or 3 days!!


Love it. Might alarm people telling them she's single and pregnant.


I have a full time job and I got called in for overtime on Saturday. Most of my free time on weekends is spent on the art update for the week. I didn't have the free time this week to finish up shading. I try to have something available every Friday, usually doing the finishing work on Friday night. Also if you think my style is easy, I invite you to try it. I tried explaining the shading process to another artist, including pictures of the shading layers separated out, eventually they gave up.


Lol, that's true, although I think the travelling merchants in a public inn might be a bit more on the libertine side of the equation.


I, uh, I can back that last statement up lol. This is his style and his style alone that he perfected.


I'm sure you and your zero patrons and zero dollars per month have a good idea of what it takes to create a full-page, full-color digital comic with what is likely a job and other responsibilities on top of that, while trying to keep to a schedule. I'm sure you're a captain of the industry speaking from loads of experience with all your loyal fans earned from hours and hours of hard work after coming home from a day spent doing an entirely different job. You're comparing this artist to someone with more than 1,700 patrons who makes over 7k per month, hate to break it to you but that IS their job. They have the time to sit there and pump out one comic after another. The best you can do is cite someone with a completely different set of circumstances since you sure as shit don't have your own experience to run your mouth about. And seriously, telling people ON someone's page that they should go to another artist? That's not just rude it's fucking low class, and possibly even against the harassment TOS so I hope HP reports you. I'm honestly embarrassed for you, and the people in your life who should have taught you how to behave. Grow the fuck up.


Moron. Im not telling Hugh should make new page every day but break 2 month to another page? It is too much! If it was one week or two... I wouldn't say that AND you telling me about reporting me because what? AND this bullshit talking to me someone who ever not try to draw arts and have patrons. I have 0 patrons? AND? I don't care idiot! I'm starting in this art world. You too should be reported for not uderstand my comment and be offensive to me


Report me then. Go tell the staff of this site that you were on a creator's page bitching at them, telling their patrons to go give their money to someone else, and another patron was mean to you about it. I can't wait to see how that turns out. It's honestly rich you're telling anyone else what they should do when you can't even get a fucking friend to fake support you with a dollar. You're just starting out? So it's your place to tell someone else how they should run their page? You think it's acceptable to go to someone's work and tell them they shouldn't have a patreon? Tell me how I can offend you more because you're a joke.


If she has sex while already pregnant... what happens? .-.


In this particular case, probably nothing. But I'm not taking stacked pregnancies off the table.