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Hugely pregnant Brynna waltzes right by her would-be-robbers in a clingy dress and takes a seat at the bar. The girl is eating for ????... I really don't know. Gotta calculate how pregnant she is right now...




I know a friend who (bizarrely) knows how to calculate that based on everything pregnancy related.


I have done some baby-volume calculations before myself, lol. But in this case I don't have a hard number on how many eggs were fertilized. So I REALLY don't know!


I can see it now. "Wait! I know that voice! It was you!" "What? Can't be. Besides, look at the size of me." This is refuge in audacity at its finest.


OMG. I wasn't actually planning that, the presence of the bandits was supposed to be 1. an indicator of time passed while she was doing errands and 2. that people just wouldn't recognize her because she is massively pregnant and busty now. But now that you've said it I kind of want to see it! And she flashes her bare belly to prove she's not stuffing. Now I at least have to do a non-canonical page of it if I can't fit it in naturally!


I have thought of an alternative. Instead of accusing Brynna, the thief just points her out. "Wait. That voice! It's her... I think..." "Don't be ridiculous. Look at the size of her!" Brynna can be completely ignorant of the conversation as she waddles on her merry way.