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Avia staggered under the influence of drink, her auburn curls swayed. It might have been better to not have come, but Avia had figured out the cipher that told of the location of the next party. She had found the clues laid out by the mysterious “Circle” that led her to the event. It was the way the Circle drafted attendance for the debaucheries without alerting the censors. While formal masked balls were permitted by the authorities, she didn’t know exactly what happened at the Circle’s debaucheries, and curiosity got the better of her. It had started out like a normal masquerade, with delicacies and spirits, but the other partygoers seemed much more intimate with each other. Clothes were picked upon, corsets and gowns and breeches unlaced by unfamiliar hands. Avia had already lost her shoes, gloves, one stocking and her corset was half unlaced. As Avia steadied herself on a couch she saw it; a woman bent over in the next room, her red skirts around her waist as a man divested her of her smallclothes. As the garment slipped away Avia beheld her netherlips beneath her round posterior. They were pink, plump and dripping with honey. The man brought the fabric down to her knees and licked a finger before running it up the woman’s exposed cleft. Avia was a virgin. She had dallied with a boy at a party before, playing at kisses and touches, but her mother told her enough to stay away from men until her betrothal was confirmed. The nuns told her to never get caught by a man out of the family alone, that too many were wicked and would press themselves upon her. The woman in red seemed to very much enjoy the man pressing upon her. The sight made Avia very aware of her own nethers. They ached to be fondled, spread and filled. Avia’s bosom had grown especially large in recent years, and her gown was cut to be dangerously enticing. The ultimate effect was that her large breasts spilled forth from the bodice and the blush of the upper curve of her areolas was only barely concealed by the lace across it. When looking straight down, they were not hidden at all. They hung pendulously over her corset and bounced heavily with every move. Her peaked nipples and deep cleavage drew the gaze of every man within eyeshot, and likely several women. Avia’s gaze was locked on the woman in red and her anonymous paramour. She thrust and bucked against his hand, his fingers glistening with her dripping arousal. It was only moments before the play changed, and he untied his breeches and drew a member Avia was sure he must be proud of. Despite the risk, the woman eagerly took to his manhood, and when he pressed himself to her sopping lips she pushed back just as ardently, and took him to the root. Avia could hear cries of passion; male and female, echoing throughout the villa as guests paired off to indulge their carnal desires. She was growing wetter by the second. Avia felt a hand on her plush rump. She turned to see a tall man dressed as a naval officer, with a tri-corner hat and a red bird mask that matched the red and black of his coat. He caressed her hindquarters and began to unbutton his breeches. Avia’s nethers began to gush, and she could only moan her repressed lust. This man could help her with her problem. She’d leave here thoroughly defiled by his manhood and dripping with his essence. She took stock of him again; he’d do very nicely indeed, as his hard cock sprang into view. VERY nicely! She glanced again at his mask and thought how she’d never fully see his face. That was how the Circle’s masquerades worked. He was going to give her a proper rutting and she’d never know who he was. The prospective anonymity made Avia’s body burn even hotter with lust. She pondered the impropriety, the scandal, allowing her noble body to be carnally sated by a nameless seducer. While he was almost certainly a noble himself, the possibilities of his exact station were many. He could be higher, or perhaps even lower, and might not a merchant or guild master have bought into the circle? Avia would likely never know. She pulled the train of her gown up over her wide thighs and waggled her hips in invitation. She felt cool air on the sodden smallclothes barely concealing her heated cleft. Her swollen, needy lips looked as if they were enveloping the flimsy garment. As the bird man descended upon her hindquarters, Avia felt her undergarments slowly drawn down her legs. Her only protection was being stripped away. She licked her lips as the only obstruction that was preventing her from indulging in her lust was drawn down her calves. He was so close; she heard the mask lift. So close she could feel his breath on her steaming nethers. Avia moaned again as she felt the tip of his tongue on her inflamed labia. He slowly explored her outer lips before turning to the center, and then took a brief stroke at her clitoris as he slid along the inner lips. Avia’s hips lowered, causing her to spread further, and she felt her flooded cleft open completely. She was utterly vulnerable, and eager for him to fill the gap between her honey dripping labia. Then he stopped, and she heard the creak of the mask returning to position. Now she was ready for it, to be so wonderfully stretched around his thick member, nothing else could make her night so complete. In the adjoining room Avia spied another young woman in a white gown with a full pair of breasts the size of melons on display. They were even larger than her own considerable endowments. She wasn’t wearing a corset and when she pulled up her skirts it was apparent why; the woman’s belly was well fattened with child. The way her fingers caressed and danced across the swollen dome of her abdomen seemed greatly appreciative of her condition. Avia couldn’t help but find the burgeoning flesh to be quite sensuous and enticing. The lady in white had the attentions of a man in green and gold, who clearly found her roundness just as appealing. His hand joined hers in exploring the surface of her abundant middle. The woman in white bucked her hips against the air in appreciation of his sensual caresses. Avia now knew what she wanted: she wanted that. She felt the bird man’s cock make contact between her lips, her sopping nethers spreading for him as he slowly pressed inside. The man in red would do that for her; turn her into a plump broodmare. Avia already had a voluptuous figure that many of her relatives had remarked would cause her to easily get with child. Her wide hips would allow for an easy birthing as well, and nine months with a babe ripening in her belly would likely leave her with an even more substantial posterior. The delicious pleasures that her body had yet to unlock were tantalizing. There was nothing that could stop her. She had reached majority, and there was currently no one who could revoke her inheritance. Avia could make a slut of herself all she wanted, the very image of a promiscuous noblewoman. The bird man pulled down the bodice of her gown, spilling forth its heavy burden. His free hand took to teasing her pert nipples, much to Avia’s delight. She again glanced at the woman in white and noted her burgeoning figure. Avia’s own breasts were already so large, by the time she was ready to give birth they would be positively tremendous. Likely bigger even than the buxom woman in the pale gown. She couldn’t wait. This would only be the first of many Circle debaucheries she would attend. By next she would likely know if she had been seeded. Like as not, she would never know the man whose child she carried, even though she might partake of his manhood again while she was pregnant. If all went well, at least. Avia had no reason to think things wouldn’t go well. As he plowed her until-recently virginal body, she considered how long it had been since her monthlies. The timing was almost certainly perfect, and Avia was more aroused than she had ever been. If enjoyment translated into conception, she thought she would likely bear triplets. Her lust-fueled plan seemed idyllic; there were a small number of noblewomen who remained ostensibly solitary to retain their titles, while still producing a bastard or two. Or three. Or seven. Avia’s body felt gloriously full as the man in red plumbed her deepest depths, his member leaving soft kisses on her womb. Perhaps not as full as she imagined it would feel to be with child. The church might throw a fit, but as much as they might denounce, they did not have the ability to actually stop her. Otherwise, a censor was required to catch her in an unnatural or perverse act to bring charges. For some reason the filthy scandal of it made Avia gush harder on the bird man’s cock. Avia imagined herself brought before a priest and a censor, her belly swollen with the evidence of her debauchery. She imagined feigning ignorance at the priest’s accusations while stroking her delightfully ripe belly, kicking with babies. The thought itself almost made her… Just like that, Avia came, hard. Her naughty lady-parts contracted, eagerly working to milk the man in red of his valuable and virile essence. Her hungry womb was swiftly rewarded. It was even better than she had imagined, feeling his pumping tool shudder and begin to go off, held deep in her body where it would do the most good. She responded to each thrust in turn, encouraging him to furrow deeper into her slick cleft, though it seemed impossible to fill her more completely. Each thick pulse the bird man released fell upon the welcoming mouth of her womb, her feminine parts sucking it deeper, inviting it to take root. Avia was in ecstasy, feeling the rich seed from his swinging sack being delivered so deep in her belly. Her voice caught as she felt the scalding pressure of the third pulse. They slapped again together and she licked her lips at the fifth. Her eyes widened as she felt the seventh potent offering splash within her wanton passage. As she felt that one too draining into her uterus, Avia wondered how many more there could be. The answer came as the eighth was waning and the ninth weak. There was no tenth. She stroked her svelte midsection through her loosened corset, and the man in red began to withdraw. She wondered if she would indeed carry his child. She also wondered when it would be appropriate to divest herself of the corset to give her babe room to grow. “Thank you, sir!” Avia gave the man a lusty gaze over her shoulder. Her hand slid down her belly and through the curls above her lips. She gingerly stroked the engorged and sticky petals around her no-longer virginal entrance. Then she stumbled to the other side of the couch and reclined on her back so all of his seed would stay deep in her well. All of her womanly glories were still on display for any party guest that cared to look. Avia sighed in contentment. She would have more of this, much more, in time. But now she needed to rest her satisfyingly sore nether region and bask in the feeling of his life-giving seed soaking in, going to work on making her a mother.



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