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Hello gamers, hope you are all doing well and surviving this hell earth.

Unfortunately I haven't managed to get much done this month, I spent roughly 2 weeks of it sick and sleeping, so I decided to just chuck the things I've worked on in the past 30 days into one post. Sorry it isn't much, I hope you understand. 😞

I've also got some game stuff I've been prototyping while I was feeling unwell that want to share, but I'll make that it's own post when I get a little more progress with it. Physics are hard and I have dyscalculia:

I'll try to get more stuff out next month, thank you for sticking around and supporting my work! 💚





These all look great, and I can't wait to see that last Aigis picture completed!


I actually forgot about that after getting caught up in other things. Will try my best to get them done for you 🙏