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Hoo boy! I’m still paying Sea of Stars, and while I love my Moonerang, I hate how long it takes to go through that whole sequence. I guess I’m just TOO good a Moonerang-er. FLEX. Really enjoying that game. Anyway, I’m writing this between doing a fun, impromptu Sorting of Vinny’s 2023 Games stream and the Cyberpunk stream, and I’m a really slow writer, so apologies if this is brief. (Go watch my sorting stream!). Trying to get my list finalized soon. 


We’re back with more Cyberpunk in actual 2024 with our Cyberthon. I’ve been thinking of how to squeeze an extra hour in or more a week on that game, so keep an eye out for updates in the coming weeks. We’ve got a Grab Bag and our Friday stream, which we’re still putting together. Of course, there’s the Watchcast with more Twin Peaks, the Ramblecast, and the Podcast! We’ll also be recording a Never Been a Better Podcast this week so that will hopefully go up at the end of NEXT week.

Ok, time to Cyber! 

Here’s me going through 2023 games for Behind the Scenes and up Patrons:



All times Eastern

Catch the live stuff here: twitch.tv/nextlander
Watch the archives here: youtube.com/nextlander

Monday 01/08/2024

The Nextlander Watchcast 
Last week's Watchcast featured one of the all-time Twin Peaks bombshells, and now it's up to us to pick through the aftermath in the episodes Drive with a Dead Girl and Arbitrary Law.
Latest episodes post one week early on Patreon and RSS for Core Crew Patron Tiers and above

3PM Cyberthon 2024 Continues!
It’s 2024 and we’re ready to continue adding weird stuff to our bodies and hacking brains!
Live on Twitch

Tuesday 01/09/2024

Ramblecast posting in the afternoon.
Our weekly not-games podcast! Come join us for an hour-ish of gabbin’ and ramblin’!
Latest episodes post one week early on Patreon and RSS for Core Crew Patron Tiers and above

Wednesday 01/10/2024

The Nextlander Podcast Recording Day!
It’s video game time! Seems like a perfect season to catch up on all the gems that other folks added to their GOTY lists that we might have missed!
Posts ASAP for all Patrons and then Thursday mornings for the general public

Thursday 01/11/2024

2PM Grab Bag
There are always games out there that need to be shown and to be played!
Live on Twitch

Friday 01/12/2024

2PM Friday Fun Stream
TBD for this one though I wouldn’t mind going back to the Finals or something like Lethal Company! Have to see.
Live on Twitch


James Brady

Vinny, no Cyberpunk spoilers or anything but two things my wife and I are losing it on (we are currently playing through): all those texts are actually unread and not progressing, you gotta go into each one until there are no notifications -- and you aren't wearing armor! Your wardrobe is just to display whatever fashion you want while things with stats can be equipped in slots underneath in your inventory. Your wardrobe lets you pick 6 outfits to display whenever regardless of what's actually equipped. None of this is a complaint, I just think you'll have a much better experience knowing those things!


Ya'll should check out Lunacid on the grab bag: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1745510/Lunacid/ It's a souls like fps, good stuff!