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Hey Folks!

The Nextlander team is on vacation this week, but just wanted to keep everyone updated as we’ve still got some stuff going on! First, there’s a new Ramblecast going up this week where you can hear about our plans for the break and anticipate just how wrong we were. We’ll also be putting another episode of Never Been a Better Podcast up on the main feed for folks. If you haven’t caught them before, they include folks from the old Giant Bomb East office and they are an absolute blast and worth checking out.

If you missed it last week, don’t forget to check out our Patron’s choice stream with Dave Snider and some Baldur’s Gate 3 co-op!

We’ll have a brand new Never Been a Better Podcast hitting the Patreon when we return next week along with our launch into Twin Peaks on the Watchcast! We’ve already recorded the first episode, and I have to say, I’m already a fan!

Also, it’s been around 10 years since Ryan Davis passed and each year that goes by reinforces just how young he was at the time. For those that he touched throughout his life, I know his memory still remains strong. Cheers to Ryan and I hope everyone out there is doing well and never taking anything for granted!

We’ll be back and goofing around next week.


All times Eastern
Catch the live stuff here: twitch.tv/nextlander
Watch the archives here: youtube.com/nextlander

Tuesday 07/4/2023

Ramblecast posting in the afternoon
Our weekly not-games podcast! Come join us for an hour-ish of gabbin’ and ramblin’!
Latest episodes post one week early on Patreon and RSS for Core Crew Patron Tiers and above

Wednesday 07/5/2023

The Nextlander Podcast: Special Edition
We’ve got another episode of our monthly Patron show Never Been a Better Podcast going on the main feed this week. Join guests Abby Russell and Jeff Bakalar as we revisit this gem of an episode recorded back in July of 2022.
Posts ASAP for all Patrons and then Thursday mornings for the general public


Elena D'Amico

I only discovered Giant Bomb after Ryan had passed, but going back and watching videos with him was such a joy.

pekoe212 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 19:20:27 Thanks for signing off with the best Ryan Davis gif ever <3
2023-07-05 02:04:19 Thanks for signing off with the best Ryan Davis gif ever <3

Thanks for signing off with the best Ryan Davis gif ever <3