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A new month means a new theme, and this month we're leading into our scheduled Twin Peaks season one watch in July with a trio of David Lynch's earlier films, and kicking that off with the unpredictable and nightmarish small town mystery of Blue Velvet.

NOTE: This film depicts scenes of sexual violence, and while we do not include clips of any of those scenes, we do discuss them at length.


(00:00:00) - NOTE: Some timecodes may be inaccurate in versions other than the ad-free Patreon version due to dynamic ad insertions. Please use caution if skipping around to avoid spoilers. Thanks for listening.
(00:00:22) - Intro.
(00:00:54) - This month's films: a little bit of early David Lynch!
(00:03:34) - Our movie for this week: Blue Velvet!
(00:09:48) - Lynch's vision of American life, and the film's intro.
(00:13:42) - The freaky ear.
(00:16:32) - Let's back 'er up a second and talk a little about how this got made.
(00:24:19) - Talking about our cast.
(00:32:22) - Last notes on the production and the critical response.
(00:39:50) - Jeffrey and Sandy begin their quest for the truth.
(00:45:27) - Break!
(00:45:44) - We're back, and boy howdy, the nightmare has officially kicked off.
(00:54:35) - Jeffrey is all the way in over his head.
(01:01:52) - Time for a joyride.
(01:07:26) - Spending some time at Ben's.
(01:13:48) - The joyride continues.
(01:19:24) - Don't worry about Jeffrey. He's fine.
(01:23:53) - Bad things have happened to Dorothy.
(01:29:21) - Shootout at Frank's hideout, and Jeffrey discovers a horrible and confusing scene.
(01:37:44) - And then...epilogue?
(01:40:44) - Final thoughts.
(01:49:12) - Outro.




I'm glad for the David Lynch outing, Blue Velvet was my intro to David Lynch. This movie's great, Lost Highway is one of my favs, Twin Peaks S3 is top tier. ..And I'm ashamed to say, this will be first viewing of Wild at Heart for when you guys get to it.