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A mere four episodes stand between us and the conclusion of Twin Peaks, and this week we're saying goodbye to some old friends, some new foes, and our already tenuous grip on reality.


(00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 098: Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 15 & 16
(00:00:19) - Intro.
(00:03:51) - Kicking off Part 15, or There's Some Fear in Letting Go.
(00:13:45) - We finally found the Convenience Store.
(00:26:30) - Mr. C and Richard meet.
(00:29:24) - Steven and Gersten lost in the woods.
(00:37:16) - ZZ Top night at the Roadhouse.
(00:40:33) - The wrong Joneses, and goodbye Duncan Todd.
(00:44:10) - A strange night in the clink, and Hutch and Chantal get their Wendy's.
(00:46:14) - An electrifying night at the Jones household.
(00:49:03) - The Log Lady says her farewell.
(00:56:08) - Audrey and Charlie have made to the foyer.
(00:58:50) - Ruby screams.
(01:01:12) - Break!
(01:01:34) - We're back, and it's time for Part 16, No Knock, No Doorbell.
(01:11:39) - Dougie is surrounded by loved ones, and Hutch and Chantal meet their match.
(01:16:45) - FINALLY.
(01:23:27) - Diane's reveal.
(01:37:38) - Cooper says goodbye to the Las Vegas crew.
(01:41:47) - Edward Louis Severson III, and Audrey's last dance.
(01:47:21) - Final thoughts.
(01:49:37) - Some scheduling housekeeping for the finale episode, and announcing a wrap-up bonus episode.
(01:52:09) - Outro.



Sam Riebesehl (Reeb-Uh-Shell)

I don’t know if any of the Nextlander crew read the comments here. But I still don’t quite get discord so this is easier. But Alex didn’t mention that the “motel” Mr. C goes to, through the convenience store to see Jeffries, is the same one Leland was going to meet up with Theresa Banks for a threesome before he noticed Laura and bailed in the movie. Just thought it was some interesting connective tissue there


I really, really loved these two episodes. The satisfaction when he says "100%" was worth the wait.