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as you've hopefully seen, i write sometimes! TF stuff! i never make posts that are writing only because i know people pledge here for art, but i've never asked anyone what their preferences are

i'm preparing something for next post but my time is limited so i need to choose what to focus on for tomorrow!

also if you don't care about written stories at all you can also let me know! it'll hurt my feefees a little bit (i'm not that bad of a writer i promise ahaha) but it'll be fine

this poll will last like 12h and i'll probably delete the post when finished :)


Lord Salwatore

I am quite interested in what stories you come up with. So I am really hyped to read them. To be honest, not every story needs an image to it. It would be nice but too much work. Focus on what is fun for you and if thats writing stories, then I am happy to support you with that too!

Paradise Plum

Thank you, that's really kind of you! I might still post stories with no art but they won't take the weekly art post spot (I did something like that last Christmas)