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such a great episode this week omg



Whoever directed these episodes deserves an award the way the flashbacks blend into the episode always make them incredible to watch also that animation for the fight is the best I’ve seen since the tengen gyutaro fight in Demon Slayer it was incredible


Insane how Serie says it'll be a MERE thousand years until the era of humans. I take it she must be much much older than Frieren, even older than when humans created civilizations

Addison Wang

Love how Serie's phrase "she was only ever a student I trained on a whim" parallels Frieren's "mere ten year adventure" phrase she kept repeating in the beginning of the series. Both downplaying the significance of relationships that they don't truly know the importance of until too late.

Charles Baldwin

I think Serie was probably right that she trained Flamme on a whim, the same way Frieren was right when she called her time with a Himmel and crew a mere ten years. So accurate but missing/hiding a great deal of emotional importance.

Justin Navarrete

I wonder if Serie will ever change her mind. She feels like a stubborn old woman who doesn’t realize that change can be good


This series is so goodddd, what I’m going to do after it ends? 🥲


In a way i feel like Serie and the thought of training someone who sees so different from her goes against her own kind in way of thinking to the point she almost looks troubled when she talks about Flamme! She says that it was on a whim that she trained her yet she remembers her favorite spell and how she was growing up with her dreams about humanities magic and never believed she would actually succeed almost like she enjoyed those times but it's the fact that she lives so long she refuses to see that change as good. Also to me Flamme wanting to tell her master that her dream was a success even though she knew Serie wouldn't agree came off as showing how close they were at least in a sly way from Flamme and yet through Serie's memories of her as well.


I feel like "she was just a student i trained on a whim" is something Serie tells herself to not feel affection. Her outlook on magic makes me think she is from a more war-torn era where power ruled. Magic was only ever a tool for fighting to her, and feelings like affection were seen as weakness maybe. So spells like creating a field of flowers and finding joy in magic are something that she struggles to accept. I think that deep down she did love Flamme. Flamme knew her master was kind despite the cold front she puts on. I think its why she sent her will despite knowing how Serie would react, and a part of why Serie is helping humanity now after a 1000 years :') or something idk also THE ANIMATION GADDAYUMMM


Serie : I only trained her on a whim. Also Serie : Remember every moment with Flamme, Flamme's dream, her favorite flower spell, her personality, and every detail since Flamme still a child til the time she's already pass away.


Onee-sama Methode can summon a holy scripture on a whim? Sein with the biggest fumble of the century by deciding to leave the group just before they got here. Pouring one for my man tonight.


Spiegel Frieren: You're done, you got hit with the flashback! Frieren: This flashback isn't for me... Fern: :|

Alana Misako

i was wondering this too hmmm. would be really interesting if meeting frieren again and fern could change her mind

Bravo Charlie

the curse of being caught up


I have so much appreciation for Flamme after watching this episode! She wanted humanity to adopt magic so they could make beautiful spells like the flower field spell that Flamme favorited. That's such an amazing endeavor and Frieren seems to not only agree with wanting to see others like Flamme grow into great mages but also wanting to delay making the important decisions in her life (the ones that humans need to make much more quickly during their life spans) in order in at least some part to see the evolution of magic and the great, unique spells that would follow into existence for Frieren to enjoy. It may sound selfish in some part on Frieren's end to delay making important life decisions while the human people she cares about are still alive but it's her hobby so I suppose that's her reasoning for now ha. I love this show more and more each and every episode.


Serie acting cold when all of this was to show how much she loved Flamme.. and can you imagine if Fern actually kill Frieren.. that would be heartbreaking


Serie pretty much Frieren version if she never met Himmel and humanity lol


I completely forgot about Stark lol bring ma man back to screen time pls

Jan Negrey

She already did. She finally established Magic Association. She even says that she has to make important decisions, but as an elf, she can do it century, or two or even millenium later. And here she is making it Millenium later.


I’m FINALLY back on the Patreon time to finish the Frieren reactions and sign of affection. I finished Snafu recently so now I can see those!