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hey yall providing this extended reaction today!! i can't believe i'm finally watching weekly with yall now :O

also a few things: this weekends sign of affection episode will be up early next week since i'm seeing some family this weekend! 

we will be starting a new series on patreon on wednesday that will take the M/W/F upload slot! i will be posting a poll shortly with 3 options i have in mind :) 

enjoy your weekend everyone! 




Blade of Ei

There’ll be 28 episodes. So only one more month of Frieren left 😭


I know they have a weird dynamic, but I absolutely ship Land and Übel lol


Sein kicking and screaming after Frieren got to hug his ideal lady.


Fern protecting her elf baby from other ladies was everything :D


Them and Kanne x Lawine. Also Ehre x Wirbel, but that might be a bit farfetched.


100% on Kanne and Lawine. Not sure about Ehre X Wirbel yet, but I wouldn't mind it. Wirbel is cool so far, hope we see more of him, like the short hunting trip with Stark.


I would like to quote Sein for Übel and Land: JUST DATE ALREADY! Also Fern would really be the most logical winner against Frieren, they use the same type of magic to fight and while Frieren clearly has much more mana Frieren herself said that Fern is way faster than her, so I would guess she would overwhelm her with rapid attacks.


If it's a 1v1, I doubt it, but with the real Frieren with you and a little teamwork, you can defeat the replica: Frieren vs Frieren evens the odds regarding skills, mana, and abilities. Then, you add the other mages (or just Fern), and your chances of winning increase a lot. The sole presence of Frieren in the test had the potential to destroy anyone's chances of passing the test, I'm pretty sure that the initial intention was for the final boss to be Sense, but then a wild Frieren appeared to take the test, and now you have 2 crazy strong mage replicas in the dungeon lol.

Ben Reichertz

I wonder if ubel has a death wish based on what she said to her doppelganger. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her backstory


There's nothing better then hearing Frieren say: "Huh huh" 🙂🧝🏻‍♀️


Fern has a faster firing speed than frieren so in a quick draw she would win. I think that's why she said she can kill her? Anime only here btw


My favorite part of the episode is Frieren, Fern, and Sense coming across that room. Last episode, Fern was sort of apathetically going through the dungeon. But it's fun that Fern seems to have taken a huge interest in the historical aspect of exploration. Maybe travelling with Frieren and being forced to do stuff like read that magic history book has made Fern more interested in history?


oo that's a rly good observation, i didn't think of that when watching this week's ep.


was the young girl whose family fled wirbel's village at age 5 also ehre? i couldn't tell if him saying 'i can't remember her name' and her calling him an 'idiot' in a joking tone implied that it was her or not?


i finally caught up current as of about 4 episodes ago but this ep was particularly painful once i finished and realized i need to wait another week for the stage 2 resolution. i think i had expected the second test to end this week and now i just can't wait until next friday :(((

matthew bremmer

I'mma guess Fern's strategy - "So I started blasting, but fast."

Anton Hween

Edels hypnosis thing did not work when she made eye contact with the long haired clone and that’s why she said the clones don’t have actual minds so I think it’s safe to assume that’s true


No, Wirbel saved Ehres village (right after the flashback where he parts with the young girl). I've seen lot of people confuse Ehre with the girl from Wirbels village, but they're not the same. I'd assume Wirbel is about 10 years older than Ehre. Like I said the ship is a bit farfetched, but I can't help but finding ships everywhere.


Also love how Denken was ready to throw hands again as soon as brute force was mentioned :D


Someone said Ubel choosing to behave depending on her surrounding is scarier, like the Joker, and I actually believe that. Her fight scenes are incredibly well animated, from 3rd person POV to 1st person POV. Some great angles too that's not 1:1 from the manga. There's a lot of simps right now for her but I actually like the characterization they put in her that may go under-the-table simply because, "armpit shot!" (there's ridiculous hit tweet fanarts of it by now and other collabs I'm a bit tired, because I want more Himmel fanarts back kekw) ... and can't wait to see how Fern solos Frieren clone😂

Benjamin Sones

Ways to beat Frieren: 1. Distract her with shiny trinkets. 2. Team up with a Mimic. 3. Duel at dawn. Fern knows all of her weaknesses.