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who up cryin!!!!!!!



I recommend you to watch romantic killer😆


This was my favorite episode of frieren

Ben Reichertz

the way the shot lingered on stark and the sword i feel has to be foreshadowing. also he's got the tragic backstory, lone survivor of his clan, scares his teacher with his strength and is just a all around good guy

Justin Navarrete

I liked that Frieren’s memory/dream looked so colorful and bright. When I dream of happy memories, it feels exactly like that. Then they cut to her friends that are shaded, showing their passing; except Eisen. But with Himmel, the shot was longer, movement was slower, and the humming/singing; felt more significant or personal. I loved how it went back to Frieren’s reaction being kind of in awe and how bright she looked. They really brought her to a more colorful/ happy life. Personally, I felt the Himmel’s lingering shot felt romantic to me. Stark Needs LOVE. He always thinks less of himself, because of how his family treated him and the guilt of leaving the village behind. But I love how Fern reassures him. Get Together already


It isn’t shown, but I’m pretty confident that Stark tried to pull the sword out later by himself and that’s why he starts reminiscing about his family. His failure to pull the sword made him feel again like he wasn’t worthy enough to be a hero.


I think having Stark pull it out at all would undermine the entire message of not needing it to be a hero in the first place, and he would never use it as his weapon anyway. If he did try, It probably already happened offscreen before they left and it didn't work, since they aren't coming back this way for many years, and it made him feel low so he was helping a lot of people around this place to feel better.


This episode is packed. From the heroes flashback (w/c you probably internally dropped on your knees), to knowing why Stark is the way he is (i.e stopped running when he faced the dragon, his resolve to it as a big foe to fill in the gap of honoring his brother for sparing his life in a soft manner, why he felt discouraged about his own strength) and how he's actually being awarded all these time with the "borgar" story :') . Every episode pluck your heartstrings and this one was one of, if not, the best. And yet ..... it was a bit overshadowed by the infamous potion meme and feet at the week of this ep release 😅🤣 the amount of crying laughing in this ep is insane. Also Alana we've discussed about VAs the other day so, that village chief with the pink hair is Chika's VA. The way I missed Chika when I found out that info .....


when Frieren said future generations romanticize heroes for what they partly know based off in history books and yet, for her, the most memorable part are the personal and even the embarrassing moments she shared with Himmel and the rest of the heroes party .... I'M WEAK. I love this show

Bravo Charlie

those clouds did look like boobs though


Def one of my favorite episodes— if not my favorite 🥹

Jordan Landry

I don’t subscribe to the idea that he’d try to pull the sword at all, let alone off-screen. Stark’s feelings of inadequacy are a major point of his character, and he just learned that the story he knew about Himmel pulling the sword was a lie. That puts him in the mindset of questioning what exactly is necessary to be strong/be a hero. These thoughts come to a head when he thinks about his brother later on. It was never about the sword itself, but the idea that Himmel was a hero despite not having the one thing that would “legitimize” him as such. He was shown to be inadequate, but moved forward anyway. Stark wasn’t looking back at the sword because he wanted it. He was looking because his view of Himmel had shifted. Maybe, instead of a legendary hero, he now seemed more akin to one of those hard-working warriors.


i agree with your perspective as well and i think what kind of solidifies it would be when stark compares himself to Himmel saying that "i bet Himmel wouldn't have run" he had seen the sword and compared himself to Himmel someone who couldn't pull the sword but still went on and did it anyway so i think Stark kind of questioned his resolve as a warrior and Fern confirming that the person she knows as stark is more put together than he thinks or at least comforting him which makes overall this episode fantastic for his development.


honestly glad i'm not the only one the basically teared up at Frieren dreaming about her party it was so emotional and really showed how much she appreciated them all and how much they really opened up her world especially Himmel.


OMG the ring 🥺

Achmad Akbar Irwanda

Anya and Frieren has the same facial expression and voice actress and also I just realized from this video (your reaction) that Stark's brother has the same va as Loid


Thinking abt it now the ending song is almost like a slap in the face because NO I’m never alright after these episodes 😭


I’m really adored by all that connection with different timings’ people, interesting is that if there’s no someone like Frieren living that long, Stark would never know what’s that birthday hamburger steak meaning, just so good.