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a new friend!! AHHH i really adore this show. its so cozy :') 



So, almost all the names of characters and places are German words. Frieren means to freeze or to be cold, Fern means distant or far away, Stark means strong. They usually fit the characters pretty well imo as a German lol.


I love Stark! He is so funny. I love that his name hints at his duality of character, by lacking mental strenght but being extremely strong physically. Also the demon in this episode, the Einsam, translates to being lonely, which fits it preying on lonely people by showing them what made them lonely (people being taken from them)

Benjamin Sones

Attacking the dragon: "If we repeat that process enough times, we'll beat it eventually." I love how Frieren has lived for so long that she's figured out all the cheats and exploits that let you win the game of life.

Benjamin Sones

It's exactly the same cheese strategy you can use to kill the undead dragon in Dark Souls: hit it with a ranged attack and run, repeat x1,000.


there he is!! our favorite mountain-cleaving timid precious bean of a warrior :') i love the duality of his character, it really makes you want to cheer for him.


i'm glad this demon isn't "threat to mages" is good powerscale balance. because if you can hijack someone's memories like that in an instant and can do killing magic that's so OP lmfao. as an anime only i feel these demons power really gives such an uneasy feeling. oh and Stark finally ❤


wow Alex really did swipe that credit card for the Frieren reactions 🤣

Silvers Rayliegh

I love that when they shot the fake ghosts, they used their full powered blasts. Even though Frieren doesn't show on her face, she was very angry they showed someone she cared for, and shot a blast enough to level a city LMAO.