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also in retrospect it makes so much sense why canute is acting like he is lol i keep forgetting the last time he saw thorfinn he almost [redacted] him lmfao 😭



Happy new year!! Hope you have an amazing year and can’t wait for other amazing reactions hopefully we get a season 3 trailer later this year

fahmi tammam

This eps is epic🔥


masterpiece of an episode, one of greatest moments in the story, the boy finally understood what his father taught him Thorfinn is so inspirational


Full character moment for Thorfinn. I agree with Canute being the jerk here but do remember back in season one the reason for his "awakening". Canute rejects the idea of God creating a paradise and making it only accessible by the people who never sinned. He and Thorfinn actually share common goal: They want peace, but both have different ideals about achieving peace. Thorfinn aka the "first method" and not to resort to violence. Canute is the opposite as in he'll kill whoever necessary to achieve it. Btw that Ocean scene actually happened in real life in the story of "King Canute and the tide" but with a different touch and philosophy but they both try to explain the inexorable. Trying to stop the tide. Amazing reaction, can't wait for the penultimate episode!




Thorfinn's eyes changing to look like Thors just before he says "I have no enemies" always gets me. Like you said, Thorkell mentioned that Thors had this look in his eyes that he did not understand. And now Thorfinn is finally there 😭


Happy New Year Alana! The Canute Tide speech, in season 1 where he thought that every creation meant "God's Love" (leaves, men, emotions), but his views were obstructed at men having no love in their hearts -- fighting, war, etc. So if humans can't embrace God's Love, he'd create paradise on earth in spite of God's logic. "Love" in this case is not a person, it's the connection with source of life. “A king can have armies and ships but he has no control over the waves." waves = war, uprising, conflicts. And that's why he'll comply in the source of life even in full of waves, to unite countries in philosophical ways he prefer, and that's his duty as the ruler. He also meant he knows his limit. I think he catapult to #1 for me in this episode. Phenomenal and moving scene for me, my personal favorite episode of the season👌

Nam Le

Another reason why Canute might be interested in redemption for Vikings is to honor Askeladd's memory. Remember in episode 22 of season 1 where Askeladd told Thorfinn and Canute that he doesn't have a place in the new world that Artorious will crate because of his sins and because he's 'just a Viking.' Maybe Canute believes that even people like Askeladd are worth saving, and prioritizing these people at the moment is his way of helping to ease the guilt he must feeling for killing Askeladd with his own hands.


Canute attempting to stop the waves actually happened in real life. The real Cnut was a christian and he did it to show his people how he is nothing compared to God. But here Canute rejects god and tries his best to rebel against the idea of paradise. Canute has been changing the vikings behaviour throughout season 2. Firstly by using poison isntead of going to war which thorkell disapproved of. Then he banned duels. Canute is trying to slowly change the vikings instead of go against them. Canute believes in the ends justify the means. Thorfinn on the other hand is changing his current actions to be the best version of himself and set an example. They are two sides of the same coin in my opinion and its what makes them a great parallel.


also Canute may have planted the seed of this moment of withdrawing when he threw Thorfinn as a slave. It changed the latter's perspective . The most outrageous kid in his core memory is now a figure capable of change. The ulterior motive vs genuine sincerity, the similar goal dealing with injustices of the world but of different range of resolve (reminds me so much of Zeke and Eren), list goes on how incredible their dynamic is man I love it


I was watching this series with a friend of mine each week. He’s an anime only and while he really loved season 1 while we were watching in 2019, it didn’t make any of his favourite lists at the time. However after watching these last episodes he had a real emotional breakdown that I’ve never seen from him before and he said “I wish I had Thorfinn when I was a teenager”. He told me about the anger problems he had growing up, got into wrong crowds and got into a lot of trouble, and that it took him a looong time to break out of the downward spiral. After this episode he said that he has so rarely come across a story that handles self improvement and healthy masculinity soo effortlessly and Thorfinn almost certainly will probably become “my favourite character in anime”. Thorfinn is without question one of the best examples of healthy masculinity out there. And yet he is still a work in progress. He has soo much to learn, think about, and put into practice. 4 years is certainly a long time but it can happen in a blink of eye too and yet here he is. We finally see Thorfinn as himself. His true self. I can never fully articulate how much he means to me. Soo proud of this man ♥️


I love Canute, such a good character. You can really see what Askeladd saw in him come to life. He may seem crazy and like a villain the entire season, but he’s always been working towards his goal by trying to better the Vikings and unite them. The cursed head of his father represents his fear and anxiety of becoming what his father was, which happens after Canute killed his own brother. He stands at a crossroads pretty much this entire season, will he be able to hold true to what he originally believed in, or will be overcome by the temptation of the crown and follow his father?

april 🍏

They totally want the same thing. Canute just feels that it's impossible unless he uses violence, while Thorfinn feels that the endgoal is impossible to reach by means of violence. Canute's goal is to redirect the vikings so their violence at least has purpose. Very flawed but you can see why he might feel that way. I love the way Canute's "downfall" has been portrayed. He has good intentions but ultimately everything that Einar said is true. I love this show so much.

Brendan C

he has no enemies :')