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i despise ketil so much yall. the literal worst oh my god?? this was very sad but i mostly felt anger this episode jfc



Gut sinks every time I watch this episode 😭


We hate Ketil!

𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒊 ♤

This episode is the hardest episode to watch in anime in my opinion. I couldn't keep watching and had to take a break mid episode after that scene with ketil and arnheid started. It elicited a visceral reaction out of me

matthew bremmer

The worst part was watching a bunch of people trying to justify Kettles actions when the ep came out.

Alana Misako

i heard about this from a few of my community members on my stream. it genuinely boggles my mind how someone can watch this and think what he did was "right" or "okay"


Ketil is such a nasty piece of work, I originally watched this with my pals ina big group and everyone was speechless, confronting stuff!!


i speak for everyone right here FUCK Ketil

Eric Harmon

Yeah Ketil is scum


Ooof I’m not ready to be off work and watch this. There’s only a few reactors I’m willing to rewatch this scene with. But just quickly on the topic of people trying to justify Ketil’s actions this episode (which still baffles me) we can see and talk about the REASONS why he came to this point, but the most important thing to always remember is those reasons are not EXCUSES and should never be justification for his actions. Ketil is a complex character and fantastically written by Yukimura, but from his very introduction he was a slave owner. He was a weak minded man. He kept Arnheid and thought of her as his property and stripped all of her agency away. The red flags were always there.


Arnheid has been through pain over and over again.. Fucking Ketil pos.

Felipe Aravena

i think it's very skilled of Yukimura as a writer to show you that no matter how "nice" a slave owner is, he's still a slave owner. yes, Ketil is an incredibly written character, but a terrible person from the very beginning, and that is consistent with Yukimura's messages and what Ketil ultimately is.


Yeah, I never understood how people can say "I don't like what Ketil did to Arnheid, but he's still a good person with morals. Just look at how he treats his other slaves." Given the context of the story, we are led to believe that Ketil did have morals in the very beginning, but over time, it's been reveal that he is someone who takes advantage of his position as a slave owner and gets angry when things don't go his way. People will often compare Askeladd to Ketil where they point out that Askeladd has done horrible things, but people still respect him. These two characters are actually quite different in that we are led to believe in the beginning, that Askeladd is just some barbarian going around raiding villages for wealth, but over time, we found out that he actually does have morals which were driven by his mother; Askeladd was never really interested in money or wealth, but was driven by honor. In the end, Askeladd sacrificed himself to save Wales, and Canute, and trying to make sure that Thorfinn would go on living life as a true warrior.


being a good person is not an option when you own another human being

Felipe Aravena

"the fact that he was like 'why would you try escaping?', like, my guy, why WOULDN'T she try escaping?" i love you lmao and yeah, is exactly that. Gardar, Arnheid, Einar and Thorfinn should all be free. it doesn't matter how "nice" Ketil was with the 3 of them, they're still his slaves. i love how Sverkel is a direct contrast from Ketil from the very beginning, they're so different from each other: Ketil - though "nice" - still sees them as slaves, as his "property"; Sverkel - though grumpy - sees them as people, as "unlucky" people, and tries to give them purpose and agency. and i love how the author compares Ketil to Olmar: both of them are Nordic men that feel pressure to behave as Nordic men "should behave", both got their worldviews shattered after visiting Jelling... phew! is such a perfectly written series. thank you for reacting to this and sharing your thoughts!

M Khan

It's almost unbelievable watching Ketil think he can take on the king just because he beat up on a defenseless woman. Let's see where that confidence coming from your worthless pride gets you

M Khan

Also the fact that he couldn't even stand up to his own son, but then talks about his pride being besmirched because of Arnheid. I guess his pride only applies to those weaker than him, so basically worthless

M Khan

Also hi Miso love you

Viktor Engholm

Lots of folks hide behind "it was the way at the time" to justify it. Slavery and abuse has never been okay, no matter what.

Viktor Engholm

Just like before, he found comfort in Arnheid, but this time it was through physical violence, not sexual and emotional labor. It's so terrible to watch, but amazing story.

Viktor Engholm

Having read the manga I DREADED this episode. Not only because of its content with sound and voice, but also how it would be handled. Thankfully the team did it pretty much perfectly.

Viktor Engholm

I read somewhere "we cannot judge the character of a person only on their worst day" and I dunno maybe we can. All my homies hate Ketil.

Julian Rother

Even tho I read alot of Manga, there are few scenes that made me so uncomfortable as this did. This made me feel sick.

Kevin Søndergaard

I am totally with you Alana, we can see the steps that lead to Ketil's current state of mind, but it would never justify these heinous actions. Considering all his character flaws that you perfectly pointed out yourself, I will be honest, I didn't think he would have the guts to hurt Arnheid when I first saw this episode, but boy did he disappoint, in a big way. I personally really never liked Ketil in the first place, the only times I tolerated this character was when he talks about how Thorfinn and Einar can get their freedom back.


Ketil reminds us all this episode that in the end a slave owner is still a slave owner no matter how “kind” they may seem


I just can't believe that there's a lot of people who justify Ketil's actions in this episode (i haven't seen them here tho, that's good lol). And yes i'm with you!! I understand his point of view, i understand that she did something wrong in his eyes, but that doesn't mean what he did was right. Arnheid was literally his slave, of course she would try to run away. Why wouldn't she??? 😭 He's a coward and a weak person. And he just beat a pregnant woman until she was unconscious, and still has the audacity to keep her by his side 💀


THIS!! You just said everything that i want to say everytime someone compares Ketil and Askeladd to justify Ketil's actions


me and all my homies hate ketil


Ketil is a reminder that just because someone exhibits kindness like how he has with slaves like Pater, Thorfinn, and Einer doesn’t mean he’s not a PoS. Like anyone can show kindness especially when there’s something to gain (like a hard working hand like Pater that stays after being free) or nothing to lose. It’s superficial kindness that goes away the moment push comes to shove. Einer on the other hand is a example of REAL kindness he who could have killed Thorfinn in his sleep. He who could have been like your typical guy who become assholes the moment they find out the girl they like have a boyfriend (even go as far as saying they were “lead on” by the girl). He didn’t tho both Ketil and Einer were put through the test and their true colors showed. It’s scary cuz irl there are a LOT of ppl like Ketil who may look like good ppl at first but that’s only because things have been going their way or have been good/lucky at hiding their true selfs.


I don't know how to explain this but.. you initially see Ketil beating Arnheid and of course it's super disturbing.. but then.. there's this extra, terrible, disgusting feeling when you realize he's not stopping and that he's on the verge of literally beating her to death. I swear, when Snake grabbed that stick from Ketil, holy shit did the emotions just start pouring out from me. I don't know whether or not Snake was trying to be the hero there but god damn was he a hero, to me, in that moment.


Most reactors: OMG THEY SKIPPED THE REUNION!! 😠😠 Alana: OMG leif and thorfinn in the same room this is why we love you

Tyler Owens

One of the most painful episodes


"You were the only one I trusted." That line pissed me off so much. He purchased her as his sex slave and even desired emotional support from her regardless of her real will. How could he think she was also emotionally attached to him? Finding out about her escape probably triggered him to snap, but his biggest frustration was supposed to be the unexpected conflict against the king but he did nothing except hide in the barrel. He just found a way to burst his anger when he learned about the Arnheid's escape. So immature and so irrational. Unfortunately, people who have a mentality like Ketil exist even in the modern day. Act strong only to the weak.

Joshua Moua

I'm surprised you were on the Ketil hate train from so early even before this episode but take a seat and get comfortable.

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 03:44:16 Yeah man Ketil is such a big piece of shit. I applaud the mangaka for making this mfer SO unlikable.
2023-12-21 21:00:57 Yeah man Ketil is such a big piece of shit. I applaud the mangaka for making this mfer SO unlikable.

Yeah man Ketil is such a big piece of shit. I applaud the mangaka for making this mfer SO unlikable.

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 02:44:12 I’m sorry but there’s no way we can actually compare the things Askellad has done as they were WAY worse than what Ketil has ever done in his time. We just like Askellad more because he is badass, is able to self reflec, is charismatic and we spent an entire season with him. Ketil is non of those things + we only know his current self and that’s why we’re way harder on him than on any other character in this show despite many of them being much more vile and degenerate in the way they live out their lives.
2023-12-21 21:05:58 I’m sorry but there’s no way we can actually compare the things Askellad has done as they were WAY worse than what Ketil has ever done in his time. We just like Askellad more because he is badass, is able to self reflec, is charismatic and we spent an entire season with him. Ketil is non of those things + we only know his current self and that’s why we’re way harder on him than on any other character in this show despite many of them being much more vile and degenerate in the way they live out their lives.

I’m sorry but there’s no way we can actually compare the things Askellad has done as they were WAY worse than what Ketil has ever done in his time. We just like Askellad more because he is badass, is able to self reflec, is charismatic and we spent an entire season with him. Ketil is non of those things + we only know his current self and that’s why we’re way harder on him than on any other character in this show despite many of them being much more vile and degenerate in the way they live out their lives.


It was this point where I stopped understanding Ketil.. 😢 Up until now I could understand why he faked being the “iron fist” and what not but this was beyond unforgivable…


This was one of the hardest episodes to watch. I just was full with rage after what Ketil did to Arneid

april 🍏

I remember when I first started reading this arc.. my first thought when Ketil was introduced was that there is no way that Yukimura is about to attempt the whole "good slave owners exist" narrative. Because no only would that be a huge topic to tackle... but I wouldn't believe it. But throughout his arc you can see little bits and pieces of who he truly is deep down and it's written so complexly that it can (and has) even fooled the average watcher. Then this episode really hammers down who Ketil really is. He's a greedy, insecure, coward.


The main thing is that Askeladd is presented and acts like the villain. He also knows this himself. Ketil is the opposite. He is a coward who thinks he is strong and kind.