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arnheid's VA was amazing this episode. and i'm really liking that we're learning more about her and gramps! 



when you think that this story can’t get better, you are being shown a peak female character in Arnheid she is truly one of the best characters in this show

M Khan

We've reached the point of no return, hold onnnnn Alana


I really love Arnheid's backstory and i feel for her. Gramps' line "even if you can wait out the storm, it leaves scars behind" was him telling her that whether you wait for the storm or not, anything could happen. No one knows the outcome. It could be bad, but it could also be a good one. So just follow what your heart decides


What I’ll always love about Yukimura as a writer is that while he has a lot of ideas and morals that he stands by, he always allows nuisance to the ‘other’ side. It could be soo easy to judge Gardar in this flashback and in hindsight he made the ‘wrong’ choice but at the same time he had the best of intentions. The idea of power balance in a area is delicate and not wanting an already ambitous man to become even more powerful is a valid concern. Also wanting the best for your family isn’t a wrong sentiment either. Gardar let’s Arnheid speak her opinion and doesn’t talk over her (I knows that’s bare minimum but still he’s not painted as an asshole but a kind man). Pride, greed and the pursuit of wealth is definitely at play here, but what would of happened to their village if they just allowed the ‘storm’ and didn’t face it? There’s unfortunately no right answer. No wonder Arnheid is soo upset. It’s just so completely and utterly unfair. Gardar faced the storm and Sverkel hid from his. Different decisions for the same goal (protecting their own) yet both had the painful outcome. They both suffered and the people surrounding them suffered too. So what can you learn from that? Well, Arnheid decides that if scars are going to be left either way than she at least wants to have her own agency and decide for herself.


Arnheid is soo beautifully portrayed by Mayumi Saco. You will find very little credits for anime for her as she is mainly a dramatic actress and my goodness it shows. What an absolute magical find in an already STACKED voice cast.


There should be an Oscar for anime voice acting arnheids voice actress was incredible this episode

M Khan

Arnheid is a special special character


NGL i did not originally fuck with Arnheid's character even tho I understand the nuance the character brings to the series but it changed drastically after finishing the series and letting the events sink in and form my thoughts properly. Personally top 4 in character driven arc this season, I'll have to talk about it one day a.k.a once the reactions to this season comes to conclusion :-D it's great I can appreciate her better the second time with these upcoming reactions

Viktor Engholm

You were mostly quiet this ep, and man do I understand. Everything is so hard to process, so many angles and complications to consider. Gramps story about Ketil and the love he lost was added for the anime, and it adds another angle to this story's dedication to its core message.

Gabriel Barott

I don't want to speak for Alana, but I think people should refrain from talking about how amazing specific upcoming episodes are. Imo - it really kills the organic and unexpecting reaction she will feel from experiencing it all completely blind, rather than potentially being swayed by someone else's experience. Just like many of us had seen each episode without any expectations, she should be able to do the same. If Alana doesn't mind, then so be it, but I think it makes for a better viewing experience from our end of it as well.


I don’t think I meant my comment to be referencing “what could be” or turning point for the next episodes, I actually meant it to be a personal dissatisfaction just because I wanted more of Thorfinn in the story which is a vast contrast to what Alana is experiencing because she’s enjoying Arnheid this early in the story way more than I did

Gabriel Barott

Oh I didn’t mean you specifically, I just meant overall. I’ve seen several comments, previously, actually just hyping up episodes to come. I just thought i’d mention something as a reminder for some. 😬


Despite how cold Sverkel/Gramps is at face value, you can see how he genuinely cares for our slave trio and gives them all what they need in their own way. He gives Einar a horse and the tools he needs to keep Einar on track to his goal for freedom. And he gives him the hot meals he wasn’t being provided by the retainers. He gives Thorfinn hope, and is the one who finally tells him it’s OKAY he’s feeling empty, but that he needs to work on himself to rebuild himself and become reborn. He doesn’t scold him after eavesdropping about his past, or be harsh to him. He tells him that any man can change. And for Arnheid he tells her that you CAN wait out any misfortune without acting on it or taking the “high risk, high reward” route, but it can leave you with immense regret and pain. But he doesn’t force her down any path, he just tells her his own experience, apologizes for not being able to do more, and still lets her make her own choice on what to do about it. He’s honestly one of my favorite “old wise mentor” figures in anime. I love him.

Alana Misako

!! i thought she was going to just be a side character acting as a love interest for einar, but it seems like she has a much bigger role in this story. i'm really happy we get to see more of her!

Alana Misako

i agree! i think viewing experiences are always best that way. i can post a disclaimer on the following uploads to remind people :)


When i read the manga i appreciated sverkel, but while watching season 2 of the anime i really really started liking him. He’s a fucking incredible person, like the perfect grandpa. He’s a hard ass sometimes, but it’s always to teach a lesson. When someone’s having a tough time and is moping/depressed, he says what they need to hear to make up their mind. What an absolute legend he is. Everyone deserves someone like Sverkel in their life, and he’s the reason you should always respect your elders. They may be prickly and obstinate, but their words of wisdom are worth the world and you’re better off listening and learning from them. They’ve seen it all and have good advice to give


fr i definitely think askeladd and arnheid’s va could’ve won some awards

Felipe Aravena

Sverkel is great. i love him as much as i hate Ketil lol also, i love that the moment he heard Thorfinn telling Einar how empty he felt and that he felt that he didn't know how to do anything Sverkel decided to teach him how to fish, something new and different to what he has been doing until that moment and something else that would give him food/life. that is one of my fav moments of this season. it's so simple yet so loving and beautiful.

april 🍏

The contrast between Einar's love for Arnheid and Ketil's love for Arnheid here is so evident. Einar loves her as a person and respects her enough to see that she has value beyond being "his". So when he see's that she has an opportunity to leave and live a life away from this hellhole he wants to help her take it. So opposite from Ketil who bought her in the first place and has told her that she can never leave him because he "needs" here (aka wants to continue to sleep with her). This show is so well-written in makes me weep.

Jumping Jellybean

Grandpa Severkel deserves love for so many reasons, but what really got me in this particular episode was how he gave Arnhied a decidedly open-ended answer on if seeing Gardar again was the right decision. It was something that you also pointed out - that saying if you wait out the storm it can still leave scars wasn't him telling her to enter the storm, but rather to give her a new perspective on it. He was essentially saying she would be damned if she did or damned if she didn't, so it was up to her to decide which one she would be happiest with or at least would hold the least regret over. In the end it was Arnhied's call to make since only she knows what is best for herself, and Severkel KNOWS. Damn... why can't he be my grandpa ? :')