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i actually feel bad for ketil and his family wtf😭 ...also not sure how to feel about thorgil still but god damn he is so strong 



Not mad just disappointed 😔


First the fact that the YouTube vinland episode today is the infamous 1x18 and the Patreon vinland episode’s title is a direct call back to 1x18 “Lost Love” indeed! *chefs kiss* “With 70 of Floki’s Jomsviking we’ll have 102 men altogether” - Wulf 2x12 “You could easily take over this farm with 50 to 60 men” - Snake 2x6 Sorry Ketil, but burying your face in the sand (or in this case a barrel) is not going to work this time. Thorgil really proves how smart he actually is here. He clocks the weirdness of the eye incident. He immediately understands the situation as soon as the guards show up. He has seen dozen of duels over the simplest things that have ended with death and have had no repercussions. “Guys kill each other all the time over woman they can sell” - Thorgil 2x7. The fact that he originally expected no retaliation is honestly quite telling. Also Thorfinn and Canute looking at the same sunset from different directions is just pure CINEMA. The scene is soo beautiful that it’s like they are talking to each other. But honestly the idea that Thorfinn’s spider sense tingles when Canute is doing anything menacing sends me!

Alana Misako

omg i didn't notice the episodes lining up like that! that's so interesting. also yes, i was very surprised that thorgil actually noticed something was up. i rlly thought he was all brute, no brains until he actually asked the guard question 😂


I feel like Olmar's character is often overlooked, but for the most this season so far, we've seen him as an egotistical character who basically thinks anyone who isn't a "warrior" is a loser, but when he actually kills someone for the first time, reality starts kicking in for him. Also, I'm not sure if this was purposely done, but notice in this episode how Olmar was covered with blood even though it was his brother Throgil who killed dozens of men (more to say on this later on).


That’s the genuis of Yukimura’s writing though. Characters like Thorgil and Thorkell could soo easily be one note but have such great depth to them. To be strong in this world isn’t just about strength, you gotta have the smarts too. I think we have all learnt to never f*ck around with anyone with ‘Thor’ in their name 😂

Gabriel Barott

To bounce off of the sentiment from a post above - I really appreciated Olmar as a character after this episode. Initially, I kind of hated when he was getting screen time, because he was so obnoxious and self-centered. I think it's a testament to the writer of this story, because this anime is brilliant.

Kevin Kovacs

This episode very much like mid season finale with all the set ups that we got. The 2nd half is gonna be where Vinland Saga really PEAKED over season 1 (not saying it was bad at all.. it was GREAT) for me and I just can't wait to see your thoughts/reaction to my favorite moments.

Ashton Rubery

This anime is so freaking good im glad I get to rewatch


Thorgil is a beast lmao. Such a contrast to his brother. Don't forget to watch the new intro next episode :)


I mean, we met him when he was only 17, and he's lived his entire life surrounded by the idea that you aren't respected if you aren't a warrior, just with how the world works, and especially considering how is brother seems to be. Then in 2x7 he finds out that apparently his dad was the same way and is probably so respected now because of it too, which only compounded the idea over the last 3 years. It was pretty much impossible for him to turn out any other way, so I could never even really blame him.