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seeing thorfinn rise from darkness vs. seeing canute fall deeper into despair and madness is genuinely so upsetting to watch. i wish i could shake canute's shoulders and tell him to STOP lmfao :(

timer reaction is processing and will be up soon! 



seeing you almost cry cuz thorfinn looks happy was really sweet!


Really interesting how drastically Canute and Thorfinn flip-flopped from season 1, when we meet Canute he’s so soft and reserved it’s almost hard to imagine him hurting or taking advantage of anyone, yet here he is now killing his own family for power following the same path as his father. Same with Thorfinn, he’s so brutal and carefree about violence in s1 its hard to imagine him doing anything but fighting and killing, yet here he is now trying to be a kinder and gentler person just like his papa.

Gabriel Barott

Listen to you almost cough, like you're sick when you saw Canute has me dead LMAO


So ready for the second half of this season!


Like father like son.

Sean Espiritu



Thorfinn and Canute are such great foils in this story. One hated his father and the other loved his. Both changed forever by Askeladd. One became a slave and the other became a slave to a crown. Both have the same end goal but want to achieve it by different individual means. The difference between these two in this episode is honestly astonishing. Thorfinn being the biggest ray of sunshine and Canute thinking he is in a Shakespeare play. If your only friend is the dismembered head of your dead father than I think you need new friends my boy! Truly an iconic pair indeed. Who would have thought in season 1 right? and yet it feels like destiny for them both.