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ngl, watching the last few episodes leading up to episode 14 and experiencing the rollercoaster that is askeladd's character turned this into one of the craziest viewing experiences i've ever been through lmao



Askeladd is one of the best written characters in anime imo

M Khan

This was one of the crazier episodes of this series, your reactions werent inappropriate at all. The rollercoaster keeps going on and on too


Askeladd got milkshake ducked

Gabriel Barott

The whiplash of last episode, learning so much about Askeladd, to then this episode showing his brutality. He is essentially like an anti-hero. He wants to protect the people of Wales, but will justify any action taken to achieve that. I love that during the intro discussion you're like "I'm at the peak of the Askeladd train, and I hope we never go down". LMAOOO He is a ruthless person, but will remain very intriguing.


This episode honestly left me speechless first time I watched it. Literally couldn’t move from my seat and just stared at the screen for 5-10 minutes in awe. Not only is it beautifully directed and storyboarded by the great Kobayashi, but the themes presented left me stunned. This episode really acts as the reminder of what time we are in, and most importantly, who are main cast that we are following are. I think your comment about being on an ‘Askeladd high’ was where Yukimura wanted us to be in. And then he basically slapped us in the face with this event. Askeladd is still an incredible character, and we understand him soo much more from everything that went down last episode, but this man is still a cold bastard. He may hate the Danes but he certainly acts like one to get what he wants and needs

Luis Arispe

A cruel reminder that even are great characters in the story, Vikings weren't good people.


This episodes hits you with darkness out if nowhere but soo good also


The captions 😂 Ngl, even though i really love Askeladd and he was my fav character in season 1, but i won't ignore the fact that he's not a good person. Especially in this ep, it was really hard to watch. But his character is sooo well-written. It's just like sometimes well-written villain/antagonist makes you like them (with their character, not their actions)


This episode is so well done. It stands to remind the viewer that these are still Vikings at the end of the day and shows the consequences of their actions, that they are still bad people. Kobayashi directed this episode who also directed many other important episodes for S2, his work is incredible.


I love Askeladd. He’s extremely pragmatic. He doesn’t take pleasure or delight in the horrible things he needs to do, but he does them anyways without a second thought. Anything that comes between him and protecting Wales is just an obstacle for him to overcome. All his evil deeds throughout the show so far are born from his love and care for his mother, which he transferred to Wales after her death. Amazing character and one of my favorite characters ever.

Red UwU

"Please don't take our food, I have a baby!!" "Damn that's crazy"


I'm lmao at your edits in the beginning knowing how this episode was going to go