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wow :D so shocked and surprised that the federacy are making the squad go on this mission :D (me when i lie)

also these 86 reactions are finally starting to be uploaded to youtube today! episode 1 is up now if you want to show it some love: https://youtu.be/KLZu3AnSC7w?si=_FIoNAaBvFnTciTC


Rodrigo Flamenco

Shin heard Lena as a mechanized voice, so that basically means that Lena is now part of the Legion, that was what put Shin out of his trance. The drawing from Nina is a Headless Reaper, once you know that you kinda can see it.

Luis Arispe

UFFFF.....the last scene with the ending song howling still gave me chills. The history buff in me screams in joy with Asato's include something that obscure to the general public like "Schwerer Gustav" aka "Dora". She based the design of Morpho on the largest piece of artillery ever enter in combat. The massive 800mm railway gun used by the Germans in WW2 to attack Sebastopol. Even they show the real schematics in the Federacy briefing. Shin is an altered state rigth now. Spiraling down in despair and the only one who take away from that mindset is Lena (symbolism again), from the other side of the field of lycoris.


crunchyroll skips the recap episodes automatically so i dont think youll ever run into them, but just a little insight while part 1 and the part 2 special episode previewed this week were planned (i think), the 2 future recap episodes that appear are due to the production issues 86 was having during its run, the final couple episodes were super delayed, coming out like 3 months after they were suppose to


The difference is tho the federacy is also going on the mission with them as they’ll be acting as a decoy and suiciding themselves for shin and his team to get closer to the morpho meanwhile the republic would’ve just sat back and watched the 86 die lol

Ara Araragi

We don't know for certain whether Lena is alive, but Shin believes she's dead because he can hear the Legion swarming all the way into the capital of San Magnolia. Also, the scenes of destruction at the very end of the episode are direct parallels of establishing shots that we saw early on in episode one.

this is one long ass username

Basically Shin believes that Lena is dead and last time we saw Lena she thought that Shin and the others are dead.

Red UwU

I mean they gave them all the chances to not join the military. Unfortunately since they're already apart of it, they're perfect for the job.

Tunnel Rat

I wouldn’t say the Federacy is doing a Republic, but whilst the parallels are there when it comes to the suicide mission, the difference being is that the 86 have the backing of 3 countries and support with the former compared to the latter that just wanted genocide. Which also brings in another problem when it comes to the 86; they despise people pitying them. A toxic trait they developed from their time in the 86th district, fighting for their pride, leading to alienating them others like the Federacy soldiers. Where the latter would look at this mission as impossible, the former look at it as another day which leads to one of the reasonings for the animosity against them.


Yeah but the part they were assigned to play was the most dangerous. They were chosen simply because no one would protest to it. They were chosen because they were expendable in the eyes of the other soldiers. They're not as bad but the discrimination is there hence Theo's disappointment.

Tunnel Rat

They were also chosen because they have the most experience when it comes to being in Legion territory and because of Shin’s ability to hear the Legion, so if any group were to make it out alive, it’d be them.


If Lena is a part of Legion…. Idk what to do ( ɵ̥̥‸ɵ̥̥)


An update to the October 1 86 stage reading, "READPIA Reading Stage 86." They ARE going to live-stream this event. There are two (2) showings on October 1 (JST). The tickets are available for purchase right now from here (https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3422860006-P0030019P0030020?P6=001&P1=0402&P59=1&block=true), but unfortunately this ticket site, on e-Plus, is currently in Japanese only. They may offer the English-language ticket site at a later date, and if they do, I will post another update. I am really hoping that they will have a separate ticket site for live streaming designated for non-Japan-based individuals because this e-Plus is a pain in the a** to use if you are not in Japan (that includes me). If they do decide to let those of us outside of Japan who would rather use English book a ticket, the site would likely be here (https://ib.eplus.jp/) (click on "Streaming"). The '86' event is not showing at this time. Starring in the event are the voice actors for Lena, Shinei, Raiden, Theoto, Anju and Kurena.