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i can't believe yall had to wait weeks? months??? for the next episode lmao my condolences .....

luckily my ep12 reaction will be up on friday 🤠


Calo Lee Candame

The crazy wait was for the last two episodes of the second cour. 86 days of waiting for the conclusion. But it was worth it, the directing, voice acting and animation were out of this world.

Luis Arispe

End of cour 1. Only one commentary..... FUCKIN' GLORY TO THE SPEARHEAD SQUADRON!!!.


I remember being so pissed after watching this episode and upset LMAO The wait was so painful!!!

Rodrigo Flamenco

Oh yeah, there was a huge delay for the last 3 episodes of Cour 2 as well and we had to wait many months, that one was painful xD Note, the area where the school was located looked a bit Japanese, this is now the Giad Empire Territory, and probably the place where Kaie's family came from. Since she was decendant of a race that came from the Empire she got treated badly by other 86's in the camps.

Ara Araragi

Just an FYI, Fido is pronounced fai-do, not fee-do. In the US it's a generic name for a dog, based on the Latin word for "faithful/loyal."


Yup, all the writings you see in the school are indeed in Japanese. And the walls are covered with calligraphy pieces that read "Peace."

Reddd Hunter

Thank you again for watching this show. This show is just different.

jacksan1 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-16 18:55:40 This is in no way intended to be any criticism or acting like a smart a**, so just hear me out. When we talk about an anime season, the term we use is "cours" with an 's' in the end, singular or plural. It is a French word that means "course" and which the Japanese folks pronounce as "ク–ル." Got no idea why them guys in Japan chose to use the French word when "season" is an oft-used English word in their language.
2023-08-16 16:20:04 This is in no way intended to be any criticism or acting like a smart a**, so just hear me out. When we talk about an anime season, the term we use is "cours" with an 's' in the end, singular or plural. It is a French word that means "course" and which the Japanese folks pronounce as "ク–ル(kuuru)." Got no idea why them guys in Japan chose to use the French word when "season" is an oft-used English word in their language. (EDIT) I AM WRONG ABOUT THIS. See the replies below for the correct answer.

This is in no way intended to be any criticism or acting like a smart a**, so just hear me out. When we talk about an anime season, the term we use is "cours" with an 's' in the end, singular or plural. It is a French word that means "course" and which the Japanese folks pronounce as "ク–ル(kuuru)." Got no idea why them guys in Japan chose to use the French word when "season" is an oft-used English word in their language. (EDIT) I AM WRONG ABOUT THIS. See the replies below for the correct answer.


"All Quiet on the Western Front" was written by Erich Maria Remarque, a German author and World War I veteran. It's considered one of the most powerful anti-war books ever written, and was banned and burned in Nazi Germany. Fitting to be read by Shin. I like to think he would've related to these lines in the book: "We are not youth any longer. We don’t want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces."


"Im Westen Nichts Neues" - One of my all-time favorite books.

Jake Thompson

If you think of "course" in the dining sense, ie a 4 course meal, or 4 part meal, it makes sense.

Jake Thompson

The show drops so many small references and clues to the future. During the Fido flashback, after Albrecht gets hit with a soccer ball and his sunglasses get knocked off, he covers his eyes with his clipboard since that'd give away that he's Alba.

Princess Paladin

His name is "Fai-doh", like the dog name. Because he's their robo-dog.


Yes, it does. It's just mysterious to me why this one French word is used in the anime and TV production world when so much of the time they use adopted English words (like コース kohsu for a course meal).

Jake Thompson

I looked it up and I was kinda right and mostly wrong lol. Cour is also "quarter", so 1-3 months of a broadcast schedule out of a year. Common parlance would say a season of a show, but from a business standpoint I can see why they would consider it a quarterly show.


Hey thanks for looking that up. And turned out that I was wrong about "cours" myself. The word "cour" is the right one (my bad), which apparently did originate from the French "cours" but now has a life of its own. I myself have just learned that in the Japanese broadcasting world there was a time each regular program was produced on a three-month term (quarter or cour), so the word stuck to decribe a program season even if it's just for one or two seasons in a year and/or each is under/over 12 weeks. They probably used the French word because it's easier for them to say than "quarter" or "四半期" (shihanki = quarter).

Reddd Hunter

Also I don't think I've ever watched an anime and have said "Wow what a shot" or "That is beautiful" more than I have while watching this show. Whoever directed this, you can tell loves cinema.


Having to wait weeks to know if my fave character Shin was alive or dead was painful ngl


RIP Shin, Alana's clocking on your suicidal tendencies since episode 4 and now we're finally here looool


I think it's hilarious that they wrote this letter before completely going to the unknown. They knew Lena is a persistent type of person xD the voice over from the earlier episode of naming the cat made this episode emotional to me yooo


The wait was unbearable but I somehow resisted the urge to read the light novels which are amazing btw!


Walana Wisako, I just wanna thank you for watching this beautiful show and reacting to it! Have more fun/sadness towards completing the season!


I was also wondering why they did it this way, it is misleading (sorry if I spoil it for anyone, Alana has clearly already watched next episode), but I think it is to leave us at the same place Lena is at. She thinks they are dead hand possibly taken by the legion. I remembered the horrifying feeling of dread, but also hope, hope that I wasn't wrong. This show is all about evocing emotions in the the viewer and they certainly do that! Also the OST for the show is indeed on Spotify! :) https://open.spotify.com/album/2SlW3LaVSzRseiFdXRmssc?si=wOIJjn3KQiGP30jY-zd4gw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2SlW3LaVSzRseiFdXRmssc


If one starts a sentence with "I don't want to sound like a smart-ass, but..." one should probably delete the comment right there, it is not going to end well :) But I am glad you worked it out, I have also been curious as to why it is called cour.


What is with all the Ws in her name? Are they just typos or is there a joke there that I am missing?