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early upload today! o7



Such a good show 👏🏼 🙌

Charles Baldwin

Damn now I have to wait two days for episode 9, I guess its practice for the end of the second cour. Unless she wants to grace with episodes 22 and 23 as a double feature.


"I usually watch 2-3 episodes in one sitting" her in episodes 9-12 too 😭💀 and early uploads too ??? Naur this has Kaguya-sama print all over it I LOVE IT


Guys Alana might finish the show before she even upload episode 15 that's how serious it is, I pray to god she don't tease anything or it's going to be painfully hard to wait for *those* episodes uploads😭 kekw


We're in the home stretch now, 3 more to go for part 1, just a shame part 1 finale won't be out till next week, glory to the spearheads final mission lol

Rodrigo Flamenco

Get the tissues ready because the next episodes will be heartbreaking xD Now on to more Context: The name "Shin" has many different contexts. Japanese has very defined set of sounds on how they pronounce things, so certain combinations of letters do not apply to them. "Si" is one of the sounds that doesn't exist. In Katakana they basically have the following Sa = サ Se = セ Shi = シ So = ソ Su = ス So if they want to say "Sin" the writing would be シン = "Shi-n" There's also another meaning which is 死 = Shi = Death Which is why when in anime when you hear the scream "DIE!" they say "SHINE!" ( 死ぬ ) which again, sounds a lot like the name of our protagonist. In the novels it's mentioned that Shin doesn't like his name because it sounds like Sin and Death. And his alias is also "The Reaper" or "Undertaker" which in Japanese would be 死神 = Shinigami = "Death God". Now, as to the "sin" his brother was talking about, we need to reference the previous episode. Everybody in the 86 camps knows that they will die. The reason being is that they are the 3rd generation of 86's. The first generation were the adults and elderly, they got scammed by the Alba, the initial offer was that if they volunteered to fight they would reward a family member with Citizenship. So Shin's father volunteered to be able to wind the safety of one of their sons, but since they had two, his mother also had to go to fight and died. (The paper in his brother's hand was the notification of the death of their mother in the battlefield). The "Sin" that Shourei was talking about was basically "being born", if Shin didn't existed then their mother wouldn't had to volunteer. Of course, the Alba lied, so the second generation of 86's were the generation of Shin's brother. He volunteered for 2 reasons. 1.- He couldn't stand what he did so he went to fight the Legion to protect Shin from the battlefront. 2.- His generation volunteered to show the Alba that they had honor and that they would play by the rules and wouldn't be like them. Obviously at this point, everybody saw that the Alba were lying since nobody ever got their citizenship and they saw all their family members "disappeared" or die in the Spearhead Squadron if they ever got that far. So the third generation of 86's (our crew), fought for the reasons Raiden talked about, but at this point they were also highly cynical and nihilistic. They didn't shared the beliefs of the first 2 generations, and they fought only for their pride.


love this show, glad you're enjoying it

Red UwU

Seeing an empty house and them tying up their loose ends is very depressing. The eighty-six facing their deaths isn't what fucks me up though, their pet cat always makes me tear up a bit. Leaving animals is a hard spot for me in any context.


Yes, Alana, this is definitely a next level masterpiece. There isn't an episode that doesn't leave you wanting more, every scene has meaning and substance, even if one doesn't realize it at the time. The comment Lena's uncle make that hope and dispair is the same thing, two sides of the same coin, is something I have reflected a lot on. Hope is believing that things will get better. Despair is believing that things will get worse. They really are they flip side of each other. However they are united by the fact that one doesn't actually know the outcome, it is all belief. Lena's uncle believes that things will get worse, he choice despair, while Lena believes that things can get better, she chose hope. Although now she is feeling despair as all her options and support is taken away. But she has not given up hope yet. She feels both at the same time, feeling horribly torn by uncertainty of the future. Interestingly enough, that feeling you described at the end of the episode is the same as Lena, hope and despair at the same time. Hope that things will turn out good, but also despair that the worse will happen. It is so amazing that they can make you feel the same emotions as the characters in the anime. Such amazing production! I can't wait to watch you react to the next episode!