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i figured out what yobai was btw LOL

also the fact that i said "i love that name!" and then forgot it and then...that end credit scene happened. 



Woo early drop today! 🙌 Edit: this is my first rewatch and Kaie holding the Joker card last is so heartbreaking

Rodrigo Flamenco

Thid episode was meant to be a shock for the audiences as well, specially since we did saw some of their names through these episodes and didn't register them. We saw the names of Daiya, Anyu, Kurena, Raiden, Kaie, obviously Shin, Rito and Theo which exploded on Lena as well as on us. This isn't explained on depth on the anime but the 86 have a thing for names as the "personal names" for battle is something that they get only after surviving 1 year in battle. If you go back to the first episode, to the first battle of Lena and watch the screen, you'll see a couple of the units under her comand have names but there are a ton of her units who only have an ID like "A1, A2, B1", etc. Since the Juggernauts are trash, most of the 86 dies in their first months, if I remember correctly, only 1 in 10,000 survive the first year and get to earn the "Personal Name", Shin chose Undertaker, Kaie choose Kirshblutte, Theo chose Laughing Fox, etc So they take a very prideful approach to names, they cosider them only for people who are fighting alongside them, which is why they didn't gave the cat a name. This unit is the "elite of the elite", the people who survived 4-5 years in battle, which is why everyone has personal names. But Lena just kept using those and never occured to her to ask for their real names. Lena is Naive, and living nice under a noble family she is unable to even imagine or consider many things from their side and this makes her make some mistakes every now and then.

Luis Arispe

Lena talks to them naming the callsigns. Undertaker=Shin, Werewolf=Raiden, Black Dog=Daiya, Snow Witch=Anju, Gunslinger=Kurena, Kirschblutte=Kaie, Laughing Fox=Theo, etc. About Anju's hair, they will explained it later. In this show there's a lot of scenes of both sides of the situation, Spearhead squadron POV and Lena's POV, so taking notice of the dates is important. Another fun fact: Shin named the cat "Remarque" because he's reading "All quiet in the western front" from Erich Maria Remarque, a German author that write about his experience in the First Wolrd War.


The river scene always takes me out whenever I rewatch it, and Haruto mimicking their (girls) voice 💀 it's also pretty dope whenever they show both sides reactions and conversations! Next ep should be pretty dope (as always)

Ara Araragi

Lena asked what the cat's name was before she ever bothered to ask what any of their names were

Eric M

Yeah, her not knowing there names we’re supposed catch us off guard because we know there names, at least some of them. I know the first time I watched it I was caught off guard because she really cares

Ryuuji Gremory

She had names to call them, names that she knew them under, she didn't have a name for the cat, simple as that. If I play online with someone for some time, I only know their in game nick, not their real name and they mention they have a cat or a dog in a conversation I might ask for the name before ever thinking about asking that person for their real name. Yes her not asking for their real names is a big deal, after all she is asking them to risk their lives out there, if she really cared that deeply it would be expected that she wants to know them on a more personal level than that. Nevertheless the whole thing with her asking for the cats name always feels to me like it's being blown out of proportion.

Ara Araragi

I just thought it was ironic that she unintentionally showed more respect to the cat because it didn't occur to her yet that using call signs was a way to dehumanize the processors. She did her best to be respectful to them, but still ended up being a victim of her unconscious bias.

Ryuuji Gremory

Well I was talking in a general sense (or at least I intended to) about asking about the cats name being blown out of proportion and not you personally. Since back when it aired I saw a lot of people taking that as far as to claim "this means she subconsciously didn't actually see them as humans after all, subconsciously they are below pets in her priorities" instead of it being a simple human error of not having thought far enough.

Ara Araragi

Fair enough. I agree that that kind of interpretation is definitely blowing things out of proportion, especially when the next episode does a good job of explaining her mindset and intentions.

Diego Rodrigo Duque Soto

That final monologue hurts so bad, specially because every character till this point is expendable to the viewer


Kaie (call sign Kirschblüte) is one of my favorite characters in the anime, even though she's dies so soon. She is honest and straightforward, while still being sensitive and considerate. By the way, Kirschblüte is German for cherry blossom, which symbolizes impermanence and rebirth. It is simultaneously a symbol of how expendable she and the other eighty-six are, and how they might die at anytime, but also Lena's rebirth after Kaie's death. The subtle symbolism of this animes is just off the charts...


On October 1 this year, they will hold an event called "READPIA READING STAGE 86-EIGHTYSIX-" in Tokorozawa (Saitama Pref.) Japan. The event visuals and portraits of the participating voice cast members have been released: https://natalie.mu/comic/gallery/news/534935/2113034 (click on the arrows) https://ej-anime-m.jp/sp/dengeki30th/86-readingstage.html https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/latest/2023/7/30/86-eighty-six-live-reading-event-reveals-dashing-visual-more-cast The event will feature the appearance and live reading by Shouya Chiba (Shinei Nouzen), Ikumi Hasegawa (Vladilena Milizé), Seiichiro Yamashita (Raiden Shuga), Natsumi Fujiwara (Theoto Rikka), Saori Hayami (Anju Emma) and Sayumi Suzushiro (Kurena Kukumila). (Expanded quite a bit because at first it was going to be just the first two). This is a one-day only (two shows) event. If you are going to be in Japan around October 1 and interested, entries into the lottery drawing for the tickets are being accepted through August 2 (JST) via eplus.jp. The lottery results will be announced between August 4 and 5 (JST). I won't be in Japan in time for this event.


I wonder if it will be live streamed, I would love to see it!