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sync up your own copy of the show and watch along with me! one more episode to go!


Alexandre Le Lay

I can't wait for that scene in the next episode

Josh kerry gray

When minori cheered ryuji on she kisses the fist she used to touch his lips when she said goodbye so basically a indirect kiss.

Loony BoB

Ahhh this episode is so dramatic! 1. Minori touching her knucles to Ryuuji's lips when she 'power punches' with determination, and then when he's gone, kissing where her knuckles touched his lips... that was bittersweet. Her entire story when you rewatch it is just heartbreaking. 2. I still agree with Ami that Ryuuji/Taiga is more a father/daughter style relationship for 99% of their time together, and they'll need a lot of time to date and understand the differences, and I've no clue how long that would realistically take for them. Honestly, I think Minori probably would have been a better long term partner for Ryuuji, in retrospect, but in the end they're all teens. 3. And boy did they show that they are teenagers in this episode. The intensely hurtful things Riuju yells at his mother who has literally just collapsed because she's so determined for the best for her child? I really like Ryuuji for most of this series but this is always so massively out of character for him, and I hate it. It made me so angry, even more so re-watching as an adult. Honestly, she probably had her heart broken more than any other character in this series, which is saying something! And then he says she's so immature for running away, when he's doing it himself. I'm glad he (eventually) realised that, at least. But yeah, Ryuuji and Taiga were just very, very much 17 year olds in this episode. Their maturity flew out the window so fast. Taking the time to type this out was necessary for me to let off my frustrations before I watch the final episode. xD I wonder if younger me was the same when I first saw this series.