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7/11 UPDATE: no upload today again -

i'm so sorry y'all, i should've known it would take more than a day to recover, because a few hours after i posted this i started going downhill again lol 🙃

i definitely feel better after a night's rest, but i still do not think i'll be able to film and edit today - i need today to fully recover. the worst of it is past, so i'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow i can upload toradora. 

thank you all for your patience and well wishes. i sincerely appreciate it, so so much😭

hi everyone, i will not be able to upload the next reaction to toradora today - i just spent my morning in urgent care with a silly case of food poisoning or a stomach bug, and i am still trying to recover after seeing some doctors 😩

i still want to post 3 eps of toradora this week, so i will be posting toradora on wednesday, friday, and an additional reaction on saturday.

lyco reco will still be up Tuesday and thursday!

sorry for the lack of upload today, but i hope you all have a good week and see you tomorrow with more lycoris!



Feel better!

Sven Hegenbart

Dont worry - a speedy recovery for you


Hope you feel better soon!❤️

asli hassan

Omg girl we totally understand don’t worry about it take care and get well soon sending you positive vibes 🥰🥰🥰❤️


Take your time and get well soon!


Get well soon!


Rest up. Hope you feel better soon.

Benjamin Sones

OMG, I hope you're feeling better. Don't push yourself--we can wait.


hey Alana just wishing you well and a speedy recovery!

Solid God

Hope you get better soon


Best wishes! Get better girl

Edd Lambino

take care and rest, we are always willing to wait for your return. no rush


Don't worry about us, just rest and feel better soon!

Isaac Noël

take your time and get old mr tums under control. we can be patient!


Don't worry about us, just focus on getting better. The fact that you took the time to update us on your situation and upload schedule is far more than enough. Get well soon!

Benjamin Sones

I'll just echo what everyone else has said: get some rest, take whatever time you need, and feel better. None of us are going to wither away and die because Toradora reactions are a little late. ;)

Sean Espiritu

get well soon alana! we will all be waiting here for your recovery


No worries we will be here awaiting your return and don’t feel obligated to return quickly health is important