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that last part was so goofy LMAO

the timer reaction is processing but should be posted soon! (the next oregairu reaction will be up tonight as well!)


Ral Zarek

Without giving to much away... I will say that you have already seen Pieyon's face 😏


Pieyon was hilarious in the manga, and they've done him even better in the anime.


I don't know if it's exactly happened before but from what I know, there are groups that "graduate" members while the group is active, so overtime all the members have been replaced (this is both in Korea and Japan). B Komachi is also owned by Ichigo Productions so they can maybe "use" the name however they like? Ohh, I've heard they tried to do this with Pussycat Dolls so I guess it's possible (it just didn't work cuz people are attached to the original members).

Ryuuji Gremory

Well while "graduating" is common in the case of B Komachi the members didn't just graduate but the group itself disbanded 2 years after Ai's death, meaning like 10 years ago, and yeah, since they were produced by Ichigo production they should still hold the rights to the name.


Exactly. I dunno any Korean or Japanese group that would be a precedence since the only way they replace members was when they were still active. That's why I mentioned Pussycat Dolls because they're the ones I know that got disbanded then they attempted reviving it with new members. There's probably actual precedence of that in Japan but I haven't heard of it.