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aaaaand cyberpunk won the poll!!

im really excited cause i have wanted to watch this show for so long. this will take the Tuesday/Thursday upload slots for the next few weeks! 

thanks for voting in the poll everyone! also, i'm watching in dub cause i heard that was the best way to watch? but lmk if y'all think differently!



yay!!! can’t wait for more future episodes :)))

plug-in panda

sub and dub are both very good, there is no wrong choice imo!


Just a couple of points, the guy we saw at the start wasn't in a video game, David was watching/experiencing the guy's final moments using a BD (brain dance) chip, and the cyberware he wants isn't a chip but instead a physical modification to his body, hope the helps. Great reaction, can't wait for the next


Dub definitely the way to go for this one 👍🏼

Dan Millan

yess can’t wait. Won anime of the year last year and was well deserved. You’ll enjoy this one!

Justin Navarrete

This show soooo deservered anime of the year. Get ready


Dub for sure on this one. Characters in this show have accents, and it sorta takes place in LA/NY. Iirc this show was animated to be voiced over in english.

Alana Misako

ok that makes MUCH more sense, i was like that scene in the beginning was too similar to the crime scene that the mother was at. thanks!


This was fast! But lets goooo


and yes the majority of people watched this in Dub

Red UwU

The game on launch was a mess, littered with bugs and felt very unfinished. At the release of the anime, CD Projekt Red had ironed out a lot of the bugs since launch and added new stuff because of the anime. All I can say is that Cyberpunk has a good story, fun combat, and a very cool aesthetic.


Oof, looks like im in the minority who thinks that the sub is way better on this.

johnny.ryan@gmx.net (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 11:10:37 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.
2023-05-03 08:11:31 We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.

We're both the minority, but the show is still good. I don't remember when I last watched anything with dubs though.

Benjamin Sones

Yeah, I tried the dub when I first watched the series and found it to be painfully awful, so I'm probably going to sit this one out, sadly.


Sub is better I think but also Gustavo Fring so 🤷‍♀️


I will say this, the Dub is only popular within the US, outside the US nobody watches dub (eng). Im gonna pass this one since I can't stand Dub.

Sid V

I mean, the English dub being popular is the biggest English speaking country is hardly surprising, but I'm not anywhere near the US and i still definitely prefer the dub.