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great reaction! i do think you're still thinking about yui the way that hachiman did--that she's a nice girl, a selfless girl, etc. but she says it herself: she's selfish, she wants it all, and she's going to fight for it. which isn't even a bad thing, she's fully within her rights to go after the guy she liks, but when she gives yukino advice she knows is bad/the wrong answer just to keep everything the same, that starts to cross a line. also, re: the scene in yui's bedroom, since you seemed a little confused. basically, yukino not only did exactly what hachiman told her to by calling haruno, but she also repeated his earlier logic word for word, and both yui and hachiman noticed it. haruno also noticed it, and realized it sounded like hachiman's way of speaking, so she assumed he was there and was then proven right. her 'you're so nice, hikigaya-kun' was her saying that she saw through them and knew he was the one who came to yukino's rescue yet again--and hammering home that she and he both know that he's letting yukino depend on him too much and not make her own choices. that's why it's such a big deal at the end of the episode when he says no to yui's idea and insists that yukino solve her own problems.

angello vasquez

And just imagine that those who saw that anime broadcast had to wait 5 years to continue that scene.

You can, try

i had lost all hope that we would get a continuation at that point. The happiness when we finally got it after 5 years bro, it's unforgettable


Yui didn't do this to be selfless and she especially didn't want Yukino to confess to Hachiman. In fact, she was trying to prevent Yukino from confessing by telling her to give up. If anyone was being selfless this episode it was Yukino: first she tried to leave as soon as she noticed that Hachiman would also be on the "date" because she thought she was being a third wheel and then, after reading about penguins staying with one partner for life, she left to give them some alone time despite the fact that Yukino also loves Hachiman a lot, even since season one (i recommend listening to, or at least reading the lyrics of, Yukino's season 1 and 2 character songs).


Yui in the anime gets glorified so much because the director is a huge fan of Yui (for obvious 'reasons') so the anime only viewers get the wrong view on Yui. Because Yui is a very deceitful person in the novel and treats Yukino very horrible while Yukino is always selfless towards her. So watch out you don't get the wrong view of Yui because if the anime truly adapted the novel people would really hate Yui. Novel readers of oregairu really hate Yui and for good reasons... The director's bias towards Yui gets really shown in season 3 with how much content he cut out of Yukino.

Alana Misako

yeahhh i def thought she was being nice and selfless all the way up til when she made that offer to yukino. i did not like that at all😭


A misconception that I believe needs clearing is that Yui never tried to set them up actually. She cares about the both of them, but her actions are aimed to confirm Yukino's feelings for Hachiman. She's actually trying to prevent them from progressing further because she's scared to lose what she have, but of course she would prefer, as she herself say, "have everything, the now and the future" or, in layman's terms, keep the friends she have now in the club and get in a relationship with Hachiman in the future without losing Yukino's friendship. Also I would point out to other comments, I've read the novels multiple times (it's still my favorite of all time), and while Yukino is my favorite, I actually like Yui quite a lot, she's never depicted as a malicious person, not even in the novels. She's human with all her flaws like the other two. Sometimes I honestly believe that people are not allowed to like 2 things/chars at the same time. I wanna humbly suggest to everyone: please don't get blinded by your "shipping" preference.

Austin D

yeah some of these comments are right, but like are going too far with it. these are all just flawed kids. Our three main characters are not perfect. Not sure why people hate that Yui is flawed just like the other two? like she is being selfish yeah, but that isn't inherently a bad thing haha. Yui decided to actually make a move of some sort since things were stagnating again. I would be super frustrated if I was in Yui's shoes so I don't blame her for doing this. I'll always love Yukino x Hachiman, but Yui isn't just downright evil or something lol. She's a teenager trying to find happiness of her own. EDIT: just so other people are aware, I have read the LNs and Shin so I know everything that happens and I don't blame people for just really really disliking certain characters. It's understandable.

Alana Misako

i agree with this! can't speak for the LNs, but this didn't make me hate yui at all. yes i was upset with her, but it's obvious that she cares for the both of them. it's hard to know what the best decision would be in this situation especially as a high schooler.


I also liked Yui but then I read the LN and it was clear that the anime shows her 'good' sides and barely her selfish sides. Shin doesn't exist in my eyes because the authors is milking the serie and isn't listening to the fans what they really want. Next week is the new ova coming out and I really wonder how that will go... Yeah, maybe I'm exaggerating with Yui but that's just because of the director and how he handled season 3. It was the final season and it was clear who he preferred. A good director is unbias and truly adapts the source material and you'll have satisfied fans. Even after 3 years that still gets me angry 😂


I found out the shin novels existed today, refuse to learn anything about them. Oregairu is perfect in it's original run to me.


Fantastic take, what makes this series special is the presentation of every single character as implicity and explicity flawed in one way or another. They're all just trying to figure out genuine connections and youth, and who they are, and Yui has as much of a right to want "everything" as everyone else in this show.


Every time you've audibly reacted to Haruno like a jump scare this season is hilarious


I think many of us lost hope after the third year tbh, but surprisingly despite my love for the series I never watched the whole third season so I'll be watching the second half with you for the first time Alana^^


I recommend reading Shin, it is really good, though it is incomplete on a key aspect. But that might be reserved for a future work. One has to actually read and understand it though.


I don't agree with comments saying novel readers hate Yui. There are just more scenes with her in the novel, like with every other character. While I personally did not enjoy reading many of her scenes from volume 12-14 (Season 3), most of which were pretty boring for me, she isn't majorly different from what the anime shows. As for Haruno picking up that Hikigaya was there, Yukino has a very distinct way of speaking. She speaks very literary and not how socially normal Japanese would speak. So when she uses the words of others instead of her own, it is very noticable. Thank you very much for covering season 2 and also for sharing your feelings and thoughts about it with us.


Not sure if you're still an active subscriber, but do differ from the mainstream opinion that they contort the themes of the main show? Of course, I haven't read them - I just know that they teeter the line between after story and theme-ruining pandering