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Your comment about learning more about yourself via the show is so!!! I connect with that sentiment so much! That's what I enjoy about all these dramas and more introspective/slower shows. Thanks for the reaction!


As much as I love this show (it is my favorite anime after all), i have to say that the LN is by far the best way to experience it since a lot of stuff gets cut for time. After you finish watching the show i recommend reading the LN for extra context if there is things that might have confused you (though if you want, i can try explaining some stuff while trying not to spoil you). If reading the LN is to much for you because you don't have the time, alternatively you could also read the @comic manga. It follows the LN pretty closely and works as a decent substitute (though again, i think the LN is still the better option, if at all possible). Note however that there is 2 seperate manga adaptations of Oregairu, one, as I mentioned, is called @comic and this is the adaptation of the LN. The other one is called Monologue and is closer to the anime so make sure you get the right one. Both manga adaptations aren't finished yet soyou'd have to wait a bit (@comic has three volumes left and the next is coming in april so it should finish sometime in 2024) while the light novel (including the short story volumes) are finished and fully released in english.A lot of material sadly gets lost and because of how things are cut and a lot of the narrative and themes get outright changed.


Hi Alanaa! What you said at the end is exactly how I felt every time I watched this series, you can't help but notice similarities between yourself and the characters, I for example noticed so many things I had in common with Hachiman, glad you're enjoying the show^^


This is one of my favorite shows as well. But I haven't gotten into the LNs yet.


It always surprises me how the anime managed to compress most of the important beats of a scene even when cutting it so short. But like others have said, it is worth to read the Light Novel for extra content. Which isn't always the case in a LN adaptation.