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have a great weekend everyone!! 


Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

I've become so much like Hikigaya Hachiman it's crazy. I never leave my house and instead play games and read manga all day since I know that "youth is evil". I call women who are nice to me "bitches" as I stare at them with my rotten eyes because I know there's no such thing as "nice girls". When my family orders take out I'm disgusted by imitation crabs since they are not genuine. My life is endless pain and suffering.


Looking forward to the next ep, gives a small glimpse of how hachimans mind works and how he perceives things, iconic monologue incoming too

Oscar Santos

Hikigaya with literally everyone: You fucking donkey. Hikigaya with Saika: Oh dear, gorgeous.

Luis Arispe

Komachi best sister for life.


I forgot about that jojos reference. Based oregairu.