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i don't think i need to say anything about this episode so here u all go LMFAOOOO



10k Yen is around 70 bucks Oh also since the idea of Love Hotels in Japan is that you don't have to talk to anyone (hence check in via monitor etc) it's relatively easy to enter even as minors. They do check who enters though, some places might not let two men enter (which is fucked up but not the point) so as long as you look mature enough there wouldn't be a problem.


By now you've probably looked into it a bit yourself, but in case you still needed any more clarification: "Boku" is one of many JP pronouns that people use to refer to themselves! You've actually seen this before in Your Name (it's at 8:00 in your reaction video) - the first two Mitsuha say are "Watashi" (gender-neutral but leans a bit more feminine), "Watakushi" (Watashi but more polite), "Boku" (masculine, or in Dress-Up Darling's case, sometimes also used by more tomboy-ish or active girls), and finally "Ore" (masculine as well but less formal than Boku). In that particular scene in Your Name, Taki's friends were confused because he wasn't using his usual pronouns to address himself (because it was Mitsuha).

Ara Araragi

Obligatory comment about Gojo's "domain expansion"


I love just how real the LoveHo scene feels!

Eric The Viewer

This is the best penultimate episode for the season.


This episode is easily one of the most intense experiences, lol. I know everyone watching it for the first time is literally holding their breath right up till that phone rings, lol


that phone prevented some new teen parents

Kevin Nauta

Curse you, Phone-kun!

Oscar Santos

I really would like to see your opinion about to the love hotel scene, since people are divided on it. Its ether seen as a good use of sexual tension to keep us at the edge of our seat or as another mindless fanservice scene.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

i dont like it for either of those reasons. it sucks cause its just more of this show constantly artifically drawing out the romance allowing no progression to happen between the two leads despite the fact its insanely obvious they both should be together by now. the fanservice is awesome lmao, the more the better.


This ep is so good, the tension was crazy ! (Rizu Supremacy btw) Also the anime made him way more intense than the manga (for example all the almost kiss moment doesn't exists so it look like less intense and a bit more an akward moment between them) so it can in some way affect the fact that they talk or not about this moment later.

Alana Misako

hey oscar! i personally don't think it's mindless fan service at all. i haven't watched the next episode yet, but this seems like a big moment in their relationship that could affect where it goes next. to me, the only mindless fan service scenes from this show so far was in episode 6 when juju got introduced and some shots of juju's sister (and some shots of marin throughout the show that weren't from gojo's POV??)


@Jasmine I totally get where this comes from in the sense of a romance show perspective, but think about real high school relationships you've either experienced or witnessed. A lot of times (ESPECIALLY if one of the parties is low self-esteem or not well socialized) everyone around the potential couple will recognize the feelings of the two before they themselves will acknowledge it to each other. Putting yourself out there to the person who's opinion you care most about is terrifying, only compounded if you're convinced it would ruin the friendship. TL;DR - I don't think this type of interaction is an "artificial" extension, though it can certainly be frustrating.


A lot of the "mindless fanservice" in this show is just the parts that are supposed to be there taken too far. Its almost all intentional, they just focus a little too long and it goes from being awkward in the intended way to being awkward in a way that wasn't intended.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

The show is popular for one reason only, constant fan service of Marin and horny weebs who want to be with her. There might be some good animation, comedy, character writing, etc. here and there, but ultimately the only reason why this show won a poll or why it was even created in the first place was to have tons of fanservice of a peak anime waifu, and it worked. Good for them, the fact people actually watch this show and than complain about the fan service is hilarious to me.


It's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about and that you're just bitter about a show you don't like that worked, in addition to belittling the community of this anime at just the ecchi (which is far from being the case)