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Marin was definitely jelly , and Juju is definitely crushing.


Thursday cannot come soon enough lmao


It's so funny to me that Marin the gyaru teenager has absolutely terrible taste in men's fashion.

Benjamin Sones

Marin was jealous, and simultaneously mad at herself for being jealous. I felt like the animators captured that perfectly.


gosh the music in this show is amazing. idk is Juju has a crush on Gojo or Marin tbh LOL. Gojo looked so good in the hat outfit and def could rock casual cclothes, hopefully Marin can get him out of his shell but glad she didnt force it on him. Wen I 1st watched saw wat Gojo said and Marin stop walking my heart sank I was just as scared as Marin LOL. thankfully it was for seiso reasons and I love that, Marin really do the best and she def sending those pics LMAO

Kevin Nauta

Honestly, this show gives me feels even after watching these episodes two dozen times. I get it. I was that guy who had a really sheltered existence growing up and had those kinds of experiences with women who drew me out of my shell. They weren’t Marin—no one could be. But in their own ways, they were incredible and taught me so much about myself. I miss them. I hope they would be proud of me.


I think Marin teasing Gojo is her way of trying to get his attention romantically. She's got a lot of self confidence, and doesn't really get flustered showing herself off, so I always saw that as her way of getting Gojo to fall for her without her having to do something ACTUALLY scary for her, like telling Gojo how she feels. And I know it's just an excuse to put more of the fanservice stuff in, but at least it's tolerable in this show because they at least put a lot of effort into the characters and writing