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more dress up darling weeee also hi everyone who joined patreon this month for MDUD! happy to have you here!



wakana gojo is the peak of man

Ara Araragi

Gojo is absolutely Best Boy. And your reaction to the button scene was priceless 🤣


Dress up Darling is basically just pure dopamine injections. Great show.


Hye can i know, did you already watch toradora 🤔

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

true we need alana toradora reactions she be watching all these new mid rom-com's instead of the masterpiece iconic classics from the past

angello vasquez

Why don't you see Tsuikigakirei. I think you will love that anime. it's a shame that anime was underrated.

Nat McDyer

You should watch the music video for the ed. The singer dresses up as Marin in it and looks just like her