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kenma is the sweetest boy i love this episode!!! 



This couple of episodes on Nekoma are so great. Kenma <3


im cackling at how kuro can just enter kenma's house at 5am without someone noticing

Alana Misako

honestly though LOL for a second i was like "wait did i miss something? are kuro and kenma brothers?" LMAO

Petey Poo

The other team is right: Kenma has been babied because he IS the baby you've gotta protecc at any cost


I think they missed an opportunity too with the hair coloring, maybe it's explained more in the manga but I was really hoping to have a moment where Tora bleaches his hair and he's like, "Hey Kenma you should bleach yours too, it's COOL", also I like how they're the opposites of eachother in hairstyle, Tora has his middle bleached while Kenma has the edges bleached. So cute, love my Nekoma boys.