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i forgot to film an outro but i AM continuing the show after the 3 episode test, i've seen 6 episodes so far and i'm already feelin' all the feels and can't wait to watch more!! :')



Episodes 3-5 is really where the show hits its stride imo. I'm really glad you are enjoying and continuing on with the show


Glad you're liking it so far :)


Yes, stores like these do exist in Japan. The Swallowtail that shows up in this episode is a real wig shop with branches in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka.


omg you are feeling the feels up to episode 6 AHHHHHHHH I told you its so wholesome and so good Gojo and Marin are perfect together ;--; so glad you are liking it and the episode 2 fan service didnt stray you away.


The "couldn't stop ejaculating" line is a homonym joke, as it sounds exactly the same as "couldn't stop making sketches" in Japanese. Under most circumstances you of course know the difference by context, but not so for those people waiting in line!


glad you like the show :)

Jared Williams

I saw an interesting view on the show not too long ago (forgive me I don’t remember where) but they said that the show is shown from Gojo’s perspective so the further the show moves on and the more he gets to know Marin and becomes more comfortable around her, the less he freaks out about her and the less the absurd fan servicy bits appear which I thought was an interesting way to look at it. Glad you’re digging the story it’s definitely a really cute story as long as you can get past the episode 2 fan service blockade haha


it's definitely a show worth sticking to


The district that they went shopping in, Ikebukuro, is famous for being popular with female otaku. There is a street nicknamed "Otome Road" that has a bunch of stores geared towards women: cosplay shops, manga stores filled with romance/BL, etc. There is even a Swallowtail butler cafe

Luis Arispe

Not all the episodes had that level of fan service, but it strong is this show indeed.


Marin and Gojo had a moment ;--------; also I really love how appreciative Marin is in this episode and shes not just like "do this for me, help me, thank you bye" type thing and Gojo is so talented with that reference sheet also Gojo has no dirty thoughts in public after dam near seeing her naked and that is impressive. glad Gojo isnt a perv my god.