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Maurice S

This part of the season has some of the most important lore drops of the whole show, its going to be interesting! :D Something REALLY important to know which sadly most anime only watcher dont connect since the little information drops about this are spread out fairly wide is the timeline Here some non spoiler but really important infos about the timeline of the show that mostly got mentioned and are SUPER important to understand when trying to theorize about certain things All the stuff with satella and her "killing" the other witches and "consuming" half the world happened 400years ago. This is one of the most important things to remember. The current flashback happened roughly 100years ago. Emilia waking up from the Ice and finding puck was a few years before the anime started. Puck in the frozen bonds movie said that he looked for Emilia for centuries until he found her. We already know that Betty knew Geuse and that Echidna was "deeply involved in Bettys birth". So Betty is atleast 400 years old and since then at some point already knew "Geuse". We can see that this is his Name in the current flashback (100years ago) but when Subaru first saw him he already introduced himself as Betelgeuse and was quite different. Also a very small detail I LOVE but not many people connect the dots which is a shame: When Emilia killed Geuse in season 1 she suddenly started to cry but looked very surprised at her crying because of this. Knowing what we do know about her past with him now its heavily implied that she subcontiously remembered something about him which made her start tearing up. Seing how close they already were in this episode gives this older scene so much more context


Small elf child make pout face and brain make warm fuzzy feeling

Bakhtiar Rahim

FYI, Echidna didn't hate Emilia not because of Subaru likes her more, Echidna hates Emilia is because of her exact resemblance to Satella. If you can remember S1 ep 13, when satella came to the witches tea party, echidna give that one look at her..