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Dennis Janssen

It is so interesting to watch this reaction. And episode after episode I am looking forward to the next one since this reaction series is as interesting as the series itself. The next one should also include a new song, Oh I am already so much looking forward to it.

Araragi Senpai

Yeah Emilia looks like Satella, that's the whole reason why Emilia is going through all the prejudice & racism. The pairing of half-elf + silver hair makes it so. Poor Emilia didn't choose the way she's born. Typhon is the little girl Witch, Witch of Pride. Minerva, the Witch of Wrath, heals by exerting violence, that's why she is headbutting Subaru as she saves him from his suicide attempt. Satella in this episode made us understand there's more than meet the eye to the infamous Witch of Envy, so destructive and hated throughout the Kingdom. A mystery we have yet to uncover. She said some pretty intriguing things. Roswaal's "perfect Subaru" as he explained: He wants him to only think about ONE person to protect. Not many, because in his mind, caring about your precious one makes you go to lengths you wouldn't be able to otherwise. "The human heart is only a hindrance" he wants him to discard his human heart, just as he did himself. He's basing his opinion on what he did himself, and wants Subaru to do it just like him. Though Subaru firmly refused. "I am... human. I will never be like you. I will always be human"


Yesssssss the themes involving mental health, anxiety, and self loathing. The dreadfully slow and rough progression is so realistic. A couple episodes back the show had us feel like subaru finally “got it” (after seeings his parents) like oh he’s completely improved but a couple more episodes and nope he hasn’t lol Like he’s progressed but we end up seeing that there’s so much for him to understand and learn. Like you said the struggles he’s dealing with feel very relatable, not like literally obviously but the FEELINGS he’s going through are. Also yeah despite how eccentric (understatement ik lol) the witches seem they kinda make sense??? Like before this episode we kinda all just feel like satella is a complete psycho which yeah she kinda is but she’s got a point. It’s so interesting finally realizing what her angle is too cuz it’s not at all what anyone expected. This everything you’ve seen up to now is the reason why rezero holds such a dear place in my heart. Really makes you reflect on your actions and choices and like you just acknowledge this power he has has really twisted his mentality into a extremely unhealthy one. Where he just values his life less and less by throwing it away like a few episodes he even called one of his lives that, a throw away. You really start feeling for him and WANT to root for him not cuz he’s cool, strong, or “him” but cuz you genuinely want to see him finally feel… ok. Ok being himself, ok loving himself, ok enjoying life cuz it really can seem impossible to achieve for ourselves. Those inner battles with mental health FEEL as impossible as Subarus and seeing the light at the end of tunnel is all ppl like subaru want to finally reach. At least that’s how rezero makes me feel I’ll stop yapping now lmao