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damn...another good episode mannnnn



This was the episode that me go, "yeah, I'm sticking with this series till the very end"


If you wondered why Satella acted differently it's cut content from the novel which "The Witch of Envy" and "Satella" are two different personalities and Satella is the one we see in this episode and Envy is the one we see before then.

Austin D

Otto is such a great addition and very important to Subaru's development. Basically the first real relationship he forms that isn't romantic-based like you said. Which in some ways is the most important type of relationship. I non-familial friendship bond. There will be many more after this cus I think it's set in finally that he can have a variety of relationships with a variety of people. He can still love Emelia, but he can create true bonds with everyone else now too. it is wild that it doesn't really set in for the audience that this whole arc he's been trying to do stuff on his own. hasn't asked for help at all.

smth positive_

-Yes Subaru but his tung and Minerva healed him when she head butted him -Subaru not being an apostle of greed anymore also means he lost the ability to command the clones of Ryuzu


In the beginning of the first season Elsa said she wanted the insignia for her client and there is a theory that Roswaal was already manipulating Subaru back then using the book.


Back in the mansion in season 1 Beatrice mentioned some Satella lore on how she got sealed since she couldn't be killed by the Hero, sage and a dragon after almost destroying the world.


White Fox were already having extended length episodes so ig they couldn't afford to include this lol 😂

Reuben Filimaua

Yeah the character writing and the focus on mental health and seeking help is a strong element of what makes Re:Zero work. I saw this comment on Youtube describing Return by Death as an analogy to anxiety. The suffering in silence, the fear of how others will react or reject you, the shame of being vulnerable, the fact that there is so much you want to convey to others about how you are feeling or how much you're struggling. But no matter how much you want to tell someone.... you Can't do it. Or something convinces you that you can't. You struggle to talk to anyone about your suffering and when you finally do find the courage to do it, its a massive burden lifted. And damn it blew my mind. Considering how much we learnt about Subaru's personal life in his world, his mental struggles with depression, panic attacks, the anxiety of living up to expectations and struggling to talk about any of it... Return by Death is a very fitting "curse" for Subaru to have. Aspects in Re:Zero allude to human struggles and the push to confront them and overcome them rather than running away from them. Which also seems to be true with the focus of this arc in the Sanctuary and the trial to confront the past.

Reuben Filimaua

I think its unfair to pin all Subaru's suffering on Satella. She gave him Return by Death sure, but all his traumatic experiences have been things of his own accord. His choices (mostly due to his own naivety, inexperience with this foreign world and its cultures, his ignorance and poor social skills) play a factor in why he has suffered so much. He's a normal human boy starting life from scratch in a foreign and extremely dangerous world. Its also very interesting to note the implication that Satella gave Subaru Return by Death because she loves him and *Doesn't* want him to die. As I said in first paragraph, all of his deaths were either from his own poor choices or the nature of this dangerous world putting Subaru in an unfair situation.

Austin D

i thought that was just legit confirmed that it was him since the start


Maybe but I don't remember if it's actually stated that it was him tho


It is fair to blame some of the suffering on Satella since the reason Rem wanted to kill him so badly was because of her miasma. It isn't ALL on Subaru, in fact most of the times (it's made especially clear in the novels) he is explicitly set-up for failure by an external force.


It is explicitly confirmed in the ReZero Break Time episodes that Roswaal hired Elsa, but did not hire Maylie to attack the village. (I know the latter is confirmed in the novels). I'm pretty sure Ram was the one with Emilia in the capital during the start of the series too. He also pretty much led Subaru into making a fool of himself at the capital, telling Rem to let Subaru go, and pretty much insisting that he's brought to the capital with them. He knew about the White Whale attack and the Witch's Cult and made himself scarce so Subaru would be forced to handle it. The novel makes it extremely clear early on that his is up to something behind the scenes all throughout season 1. Season 2 he just goes mask off.

Rafael Souza

I want to explain some aspects of this episode that might not have been that clear, or just too easy to miss: 1) What was the point of the 2nd trial? (the one Subaru sees the "after" of his deaths) For Subaru, all he saw, was how he was always leaving everyone behind, how he was always abandoning everyone every time he died. He felt guilt and powerlessness. But, for Satella, that was not the point of the 2nd Trial at all. What he was suppose to see was how, after each death, everyone around him would grief and get devastated by his death. And that is because they love and care for him, which is the one thing he fails to see, because of his self-worth problems. The point was to make him understand that he is a lovable person, that he has people around him that he can count on. Which is why Satella says "what could you have possibly seen in the trials?". 2) How did he come to the realization that THAT was the purpose of the 2nd trial? In the moment he bit his tongue off, Carmilla, the Witch of Lust, used her authority (Faceless bride), which forced Subaru to see the love that he didn't want to see. Which is why Echidna questions Carmilla on why she did it. This one is easy to confuse with the 1st instance of Carmilla using it, which was when she "turned" into Rem, in last episode. So, she actually used it 2x. Back when she turned into Rem and now, so Subaru would understand the purpose of the 2nd Trial. 3) Whats the deal with Roswaal and "sharpening" Subaru's resolve? I won't go too into depth in this one, cos I don't want to ruin anything. Basically, based on what Roswaal said in this episode and also episode 11, he wants Subaru to focus on 1 thing only, that one thing being Emilia. If subaru focus solely on one thing, while having the ability to turn back time... it means that this one thing he is caring for will undoubtedly get to the future Subaru desires. How is that related to Roswaal, tho and why would Roswaal care for it? I'll let you figure it out.

Reuben Filimaua

Yeeah that's what I meant. Some of it was Subaru, but some also due to the unpredictable nature of this foreign world that Subaru couldn't have even known at all. Also good point about the Witch's scent. I'd forgotten about that while writing lol. But that could be the only thing we can put on Satella.