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happy friday yall! witch meeting yay!! ...i am scared 😂



hell yeah

Robin Berglund

When looking at anything that Echidna does I think it is good to take Carmilla's statement to heart "That's all true... But don't assume that she told you everything.". I think one would do well to second-guess everything that she says, and then take whatever you get out of that and second-guess that too.. For instance the answer around Beatrice, it is likely true that Echidna would want to know who Beatrice chooses, but is it the whole truth or is it the truth that would serve best to manipulate Subaru at the moment?

Benjamin Sones

This episode was 11 out of 10 on the Witchy Scale.

Justin Navarrete

In a side story, Subaru accepted Echidna’s deal. And she would make him redo any given scenario until it satisfied her curiosity and/or gave him the optimal outcome. Can’t remember if he lost his mind or just changed into a completely different person


Echidna is so interesting because she is both completely genuine while being entirely fake. To Echidna, someone who wants to know all things and has endless curiosity, Subaru's Return By Death would be the one thing that could truly sate that desire. She says there is no limits to his lives, which means there is no limit to the amount of experiences or knowledge he could gain. And Echidna would truly try to wring that dry. She acts in a way that she think Subaru would find attractive and she only ever helps him juuuust enough to make him come back for more. Her "confession" is so amazing because it is so extremely in-character while also coming out of nowhere.

this a long ass username

Echidna is a crazy and manipulative bitch. (I literally love her and am trying to gaslight myself out of it)

Red UwU

IF you took that offer Alana, that would've been a fate worse than death. (Please read the IF stories I beg you.)

Eric The Viewer

Would you say your brain was trembling? I'll see my self out. Lol


the reason reinhard was their was because he was one of the few to be able to take puck out, once someone knew hes was destroying the world they sent out reinhard