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"you are my friend!" CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE D:

(i have so many questions at the end but remember, pls don't answer them unless i got info from a previous episode wrong LOL ty!!!)





Otto is best boy


Monday seems so far away ;-; I'm glad you are enjoying Re zero! As those questions kept rolling in, some being answered only to make 5 more, the show really starts showing its fun here in the second season

Reuben Filimaua

Otto is the goat. And you would never think he would become this major character from his minor appearances in season 1. What also makes him great as a friend is how often he asks if Subaru is okay and needs help. You wouldn't notice it, Subaru certainly didn't.. but those are good moments of characterization that shows Otto isn't all talk when it comes to him calling Subaru "friend." That this so called declaration of friendship didn't just come out of nowhere. He's always been there. We just didn't notice.

Gabriel Barott

Otto is so damn wholesome :') I think it's def easy to be skeptical of him initially. I also think it's so sad that Subaru honestly couldn't fathom someone wanting to be his friend. Subaru clearly thinks he's undeserving of that friendship, but accepts Otto all the same. Such a great development in this season!


I love how Subaru's fear of being alone is portrayed in the anime. The first time it is really shown is when Puck uses Shamac. His freak-out in that scene has nothing to do with the magic or any power, Shamac just cut off all his senses so he felt truly isolated from everything for what felt like a long time. Then again here, Subaru is completely isolated and you see how he starts to spiral there until Otto saves him.


I remember starting this season and being like "Are we really focusing with Subaru, Emilia, and Otto right now? They are so boring." And hoo boy was I proven wrong at this point of the season. Otto is now one of my favorite characters in the series lol Also totally unrelated, but dang Alana double-cookin' with the theories AND the fit.

Eric The Viewer

"Hopefully Subaru can die again"- Alana Re:Zero, the knly series where you actually wish the protag to die. Also, correcting you, or adding to your last comments would be MASSIVE spoilers.


i reallyyy wanna mention something that i hope you read!! subaru dying isn't really the best option sometimes, it actually could make things a whole lot worse! like for example in s1, subaru died in his sleep for the first time in the mansion arc right? and the second time he died was cuz of rem! rem didn't do anything the first time because the witch's smell wasn't as intense as it was in the second loop! this shows that him dying (and therefore intensifying the witch's smell) could really worsen a situation and make someone who wasn't even suspicious of him the first time look at him with hostility. honestly rezero is pretty cool for that since this means that even his ability isn't gonna make him find the way out everytime, it could very much make things worse!