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sync up your own copy and watch along with me :D


Matt Rhinehart

Are you going to be watching the two ovas? Memory snow and the frozen bond

Alana Misako

i'll be watching frozen bond! a full reaction for it will be up on patreon next week after i finish s1


Anyone else's brain kinda...itching? No, not itching, something else. Oh! Hang on. I got a hang nail I gotta chew off. BRB


Also, Season 2 is gonna be A RIDE... There are two episodes in particular that I CANNOT wait for.


The way the music plays and that shot with Emilia turning is so well done 😭 that relationship with Julius too it’s really cute seeing how they are trying to get passed that shacky start they had. Same with Felix who in previous lives had a negative view on Subaru. Seeing him go from looking down on Subaru at times to literally shedding tears over him. It’s rough seeing Subaru get so far just die yet again. Really puts into perspective how life can be if you think about it. That there’s so much unfinished business you can have when you die. Except you don’t always get a chance to say or do everything you wanted. Really makes you want to try and do things as soon as possible before it’s too late. Things like this are why I love this series so much!! I grew along subaru personally as embarrassing as that may sound lmao

Mr Ri

liking julius is not an unpopular opinion. everybody love julius. especially this final episode of director's cut