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what da hell is goin on MANNNNNNNN subaru and rem are never catching a break



The "who is rem" meme is finally here 🙂


The show would’ve made it clear it was Puck eventually guys 😭😭

Justin Navarrete

Yeah, Subaru’s curse will always punish him when he tries to speak of Return by Death. And it’s intelligent enough how to punish him. When he didn’t care about the pain he was going to endure, it went to even more extreme lengths to punish him. It’s so brutal

Giovvany Ruiz

the twist will only get twistier from now on

reese's puffs

You weren't supposed to know that it was Puck at the moment. Hopefully nothing more is foreshadowed or spoiled for you even if it was a small one


I can’t believe puck was spoiled/heavily hinted at to you already. I feel like everyone’s trying TOO hard with their explaining posts and it’s giving away more than they think. I hope nothing major gets spoiled going forward 😭


who says you weren't supposed to know? The majority of people who watched this show for the first time understood at that moment who it was, it wasn't supposed to be some big secret.

Jev Cor

No keku, you don't get to choose what is or isn't a spoiler. The vast majority of people I've watched did not know it was him.

reese's puffs

To avoid spoilers, I’ll just say that if you were supposed to know that was Puck in that form, they wouldn’t have reintroduced him this way in this scene.

this is one long ass username

Subaru was actually talking to himself when he said those hurtful things while in front of Emilia. He is frustrated because each time he returns by death his loved ones still die and he seemingly can’t figure out a way out of it.


Jev Cor, you can't really compare people who make reactions and normal people who watch these shows on their own. What i've noticed is that a lot of reactors tend to miss obvious details because they are constantly half focused on giving a reaction. But if you are watching on your own you are 100% immersed and notice small details better.

Jay Craig

You can figure out that it’s Puck by paying attention to the voice actor and the line, but you’re not supposed to 100% know straight away and no-one should miss it, it’s mysterious on purpose.

Jay Craig

Yeah I came here to echo this, but I think it’s more he’s talking about both of them at the same time, but more so himself. Basically having a go at himself specifically with words that could also apply to Emilia


My guy, if you were supposed to 100% know it was Puck at that moment, they would’ve made it absolutely clear like they do in this/next episode. The fact that they don’t means they want you to wonder about it, and if you catch the voice actor then that’s good for you. But don’t try to change the way other people enjoy the show because they’re not doing it the same way you did. And obviously it’s not the biggest spoiler ever lol, but it’s the principle of it.


Some people just cannot put themselves back in the shoes of experiencing something for the first time. To someone on a re-watch it is so exceedingly obvious that it is Puck that they can no longer fathom not immediately recognizing it as Puck. But it isn't as obvious as some people make it out to be. There is a ton going on in that episode and scene specifically. You aren't expecting a giant damn beast to explode from the mansion and kill Subaru. The voice actors being the same, means absolutely nothing in a show like this and shouldn't be grounds to spoil something, even if there is quite a lot of hints. It is really ridiculous someone did that.


Subaru was so pathetic that even the whale did not want to expend the effort necessary to kill him. There's a lot of world-building cut from the anime that I really enjoy. Those dragon drawn carriages can go as fast as 60mph, but the dragons pulling them have a "Windbreak" Divine Protection that allows them to minimize the wind resistance while they're running. They mention losing the protection this episode and that's why it became a really rough ride. So when Otto pushes Subaru off of the cart, it was like being pushed out of a car while on the inter-state. Mabeasts can typically be identified by their horns, they all have them. But if you remember the puppy from earlier in Season 1 it did NOT have a horn, but instead had the cute lil scar on his head where his horn should be...

Reuben Filimaua

I'm so glad you're able to hold some semblance of sympathy for Subaru's suffering. He for sure has so much to learn when it comes to socializing.. especially manuevering in a political situation. He still has to grow as a person, so when he makes mistakes and says horrible things he doesn't truly mean... its always baffling watching people scoff at his pain like he deserves it. No one deserves to go through hell like that. Subaru is being forced to confront reality over and over again. Its being hammered home time and time again, this is a completely foreign and dangerous world, with its own politics and individuals with their own perspectives. Just like the real world. Re:Zero shatters the isekai escapist fantasy that escaping to another world will automatically make life better and easier. In fact coming to a completely foreign world is much harder than it looks in fiction. Especially if you're a supposed shut-in teenager with no actual life experience and developed social skills. In fact the message that Re:Zero as a story seems to be selling its audience is: Learn, make mistakes and grow as a person in order to survive better. The world is cruel and isn't going to go easy on you. All you can do is keep working and start over again when things go wrong. That's much more than any typical isekai will ever do, which instead sells a fantasy where things go easy for you because you're the main character.


Anorak, The voice actor had nothing to do with it since she talked in a completely different voice. What made it obvious is that they didn't even try to hide that it looks like a cat. Like look at it it even has whiskers, you can't make it more obvious than that considering that the only other cat looking character that has been introduced is Puck. And yes you are right, it is not the biggest spoiler and thats why im kinda defending it because i don't think it was a spoiler at all but just somebody trying to tell her that she missed a detail.


This is an extremely poor defense. The figure is a silhouette with yellow eyes. You can’t make out its appearance at all. Yes you can clearly make out the whiskers and earring if you know what to look for, but obviously a first time watcher who saw the scene one time won’t. You can make a lot of inferences that it is Puck, but that’s all you can do. The silhouette and Puck’s normal form do not at all look similar enough to immediately know who it is. Them both being cats and looking similar is such a shoddy defense ESPECIALLY in ReZero of all series. Things can easily look the same and not be the same at all. It is a minor spoiler sure, but it is still a spoiler as you’re not intended to know exactly who that figure until four episodes later. I mean it’s obvious that the dog in the village was what cursed Subaru, but saying that after he died the first time is still a spoiler. It removes some of the mystery and tension.


What ever happened to Sign of affection?


The final scene hits SO much harder in the original version! Wish you got to see it, I can't believe they actually separeted the ending from the scene smh