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MWK EP.1 Story (Pilot)

Scene one

Good memories and excitement go together. You can't have one without the other.

So when Peg and Al were looking at their old photo album they suddenly felt like a couple of teens again. Seems like even a few old pictures can spark the fires of passion.

Peg- We looked so cute together.

Al- Yea, like two little unicorns puking rainbows.

Peg- Oh, Al!

As casual as only a wife could, Peggy unzipped her husband's pants and slid her hand inside. All the signs and little hints were there and yet…

Scene two

Peg's anticipation quickly turned into disappointment.

Al- Sorry Peg. I am just tired from work.


It has been so long. So long since Peggy felt wanted as a woman.

Her usually upbeat mind fell apart as her body collapsed on the couch. And all she wanted now was to fill the hole in her heart with  sweet, delicious sugar.

Peg- I am old, fat and discus… Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Peggy sprayed whip cream on the half chewed marshmallow in her mouth and swallowed it. As her lips closed, some cream flowed out and fell into her cleavage. But Peg did nothing about the melting substance slowly flowing towards her rounding tummy. She just kept adding one marshmallow to the other, until all her worries were gone. Just like all edible in her reach.

Scene three

On one fine evening Peggy decided to give it her best shot to rekindle the old flame. She got all done up and presented herself on the table like a juicy piece of red meat. Dressed in her old fancy dress, small black belt and fancy shoes… Peggy looked like a model. Well, except the black girdle-like belt squeezing her doughy waist.

As it happens to most, Peggy had gotten some cushion for the pushin over time. She had never been picky with food and has also been extremely lazy when it came to exercise. And here Peg was, sitting on the table awaiting a passionate release from her snug clothing.

Peg- Al, do you want something hot on the table?

Al- Yea Peg, hot dinner would be great.


Sadly Peggy's release didn't come in the form she hoped. Instead she just used her fingers to firmly grab thick pizza rolls, her lips to lead them inside her salivating mouth and her tongue to slurp down every drop of juicy hot sauce. And after Peggy was all finished she felt a strange new satisfaction. Her stomach was so full it was stretching. This feeling made her realize that she got everything she wanted. All the food she desired and then a little more just for the thrill of it. It was a nice feeling to satiate one of her desires to the fullest extent.

Peg- URP!!!

Scene four

Some time later Peggy gave it another jab. This time she went straight to showing Al the luscious body he was missing out on this whole time and put on the smallest skimpiest two piece she had.

Peg- It's so hot outside Al. I am only wearing my bikini.

Al- Have fun at the beach Peg. I'll be in the bathroom.

It was like she was invisible. Time after time she was denied and each time it pushed her further into her overeating distraction. This little hobby of hers turned into a habit which had begun to change her curves.


By now Peggy had become a pig out pro. She was always ready to order whatever food her belly craved if she didn't have it in the house already. And even if it was at hand, Peggy still ordered something just to make sure her greedy round lover was full and happy.

This was a dreamy way of looking at what was in reality a tightly packed, extremely distended gut aching for some rest and a tender lotion rub. Perhaps this was the cause of Peggy's strange new fantasies.

Scene five

It was now painfully obvious to Peggy that her once regular body had become renowned in the neighborhood for its rapid expansion. Obviously this made Peggy even more miserable and only further fed into the circle of indulgence she had created to protect herself from frustration. Peggy now felt like she had to hide her body. Even the last time she tried to seduce her husband, Peggy dressed in a large silky nightgown. However not even this sail size piece of clothing could hide the protruding curves of her body. Peggy's swollen bulges were stretching the fabric with every grinding motion of her limbs.

Peg- Al, I feel so hot!

Al- If you're sick I'll go sleep on the couch.

And despite all this, Peggy still could not help but to caress her soft, meaty loins. It felt wrong but so good at the same time. She just wished there was somebody, anybody to share all these growing feelings with.


There was no clear decision but around this time Peggy had given up. She was tired of trying to adjust to the whole world and just plopped herself down on the bed with all sorts of yummy fast food. And eventually the whole mattress was filed with either empty or soon to be empty food containers. Well, except the spacious part hidden under Peggy's wide and soon even broader spreading posterior that is.

Scene six

On an average evening Peggy was going about her usual business with her signature walk.

Peg- Don't mind me, I just need to get something.

Perhaps it was Peggy's nonchalant ignorance, or her elegant attire that attracted Al‘s attention. Or maybe it were just Peggy's gorgeous, well fed, swaying hips. But something clicked.

Al- Peg, you look… DIFFERENT!


There she was, the woman he thought he knew. Peggy was close but in between them was still a thinly strained layer of fabric and this… this thick, massive load of fat ass pointed right at him. Without thinking, his hand reached out and touched the rounded thing. It was soft and pliable but a little tight at the same time. Very… tempting…

Scene seven

Al got up as fast as he could, rammed Peggy from behind and grabbed her waist. She was taken aback by the sudden attack and froze like a doll. Somehow it felt as if Al was squeezing her breasts even though he wasn't. Then he started uncontrollably fondling all he could reach until he instinctively pulled Peggy's belt down and a load of soft, flabby skin covered his hands.


Scene eight

Right after the not so shocking reveal, Al slid down along Peggy's oversized rump and buried his face deep in between her two love bumpers.

Al- Before, there was nothing but now you are so (inaudible)

Peg- So, you don't mind my pudgy belly?

Al- No! (inaudible)

He could not separate himself from his new toys and she needed a few moments to realize what was happening. Like an afraid animal, Peggy was vulnerably exposed. But there was also a growing rush of excitement fueled by the lustful embrace she felt behind her.


Many minutes of squeezing and stroking Peggy's trunk later, they both calmed down. She finally internalized that all this was somehow arousing her husband to no end and decided to use it to her advantage. Peggy quickly learned that it wasn't merely her current size driving Al wild. It was also the over time changes in her physique. The contrast between her current and past appearance. Perhaps even her greedy, overindulgent eating habits.

Suddenly Peggy excitedly hopped over to a cabinet and grabbed their old photo album.

Peg- Look at how thin I used to be. All this extra flab is your fault, you know.

Al- I know.

Maybe there was something Peggy was not aware of yet. She had to give it a closer look. On the other hand, it's time to have some fun.

Scene nine

She could just lounge around, eat whatever she wanted and still be sexy for her man? Just a few hours ago, this seemed impossible. Even so here Peggy was, lying on the couch with an engorged belly, full of heavenly goodies and waiting for more to be pressed inside. Perhaps her life was not so bad after all. Perhaps Peggy was about to have the greatest and bulkiest time of her life. All she needed to do now, was to go with the flow of feed and let the calories settle wherever they will look their prettiest.

A plate of hot dogs, a bag of chips, a bucket of ice cream and a few bonbons later Peggy could not believe she still wanted to finish the teasing eclairs as well. Her fully loaded stomach was pushing Peggy's abundant belly fat over her snug pants as she gasped for air. But it was not enough. And Peggy started to wonder if it ever will be. For him, or for her.

Al- Last one and you can have your desert.

Peggy's curiosity had to be fed. So she opened her hopelessly greedy, salivating mouth and asked seductively.

Peg- So tell me honey. How big and fat do you want me?

Al- Stop worrying, keep eating!

Upon hearing these words, Peggy grabbed Al by the shirt, rammed her tongue into her man's mouth and sucked his lips like a starving animal as she insatiably arched her overstuffed, bulging gut into the air.


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