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--In a small neighborhood whose glory days have long passed, stood an elderly lady wrapped in a thick winter mantle. With a suitcase in one hand and a kind wave in the other, sending holiday wishes to the friendly taxi driver who brought her here. Just as she closed the door her eyes fell on the house across the street. The small home had a little roof window with a tiny box which disappeared as she looked at it. 

Beneath this window sat a young lady hiding her distress: Faaak, the hag saw my phone. I need to get a smaller camera. So the young woman went to the kitchen downstairs: Mom, borrow me 50. And her busy mother replied: I am done giving you money. If you want to spy on our neighbors, get a job first. With her hands in the air: Come on, you know that harpy is selling drugs or something...

Jo, I don't have time for your fantasies right now. I need to go, we'll talk tomorrow. -the full-figured mother cut off her daughter's tantrum, grabbed the car keys and left. The young girl turned her head skeptically: Yea sure, tomorrow.

--As hours passed and darkness covered the street, Jo grew more and more determined to find out what was happening on the other side. She planned to wait two hours after the lights went out, sneak over and check if the grey haired senior left any entrance unlocked. Despite it being almost December she found a wide open window. Right after Jo climbed inside she heard a quiet snore. She was in the bedroom but the lady was still asleep. Jo thought she could search the house as long as kept silent. Everything went well till she tripped in the darkness and started a chain reaction of what sounded like shattering glass. Jo panicked, ran back thru the bedroom and practically jumped out of the window.

--The next morning Jo stood in the kitchen with her head hanged in shame. Her mother put her hands on her hips and started: Did you spend a single second thinking about how this would end!? Well, lucky for you, we already figured this out. First thing, you get your ass over there and apologize. Then help her fix everything you broke and do anything she asks you to. And I don't want to hear a single excuse missy.

--Jo knew she fucked up and since she financially depended on her mother, there was no other choice than work of what she caused. So Jo gathered her courage and knocked on the neighbors door: Um, hello, I... I...

And the smiling old lady answered: Ah, don't worry... I talked to your mother and I know you are a good girl. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. What you do after is important. Now, come in before you catch a cold.

So she carefully stepped in and looked around. There were big red ribbons everywhere, even on the sides of the hallway floor. The old lady closed in and put her hand on Jo's arm: What's your name butterfly? Jo gathered herself: Jo. ...I mean Johanna. Mom calls me Jo.

The kind lady let out a pleasant chuckle as she snapped her fingers: Ha, isn't that funny, I am also called Johanna. I wonder what else we have in common dearie.

--The rest of the day felt almost surreal as Jo sat in a big, beautifully decorated house and painted cutesy little statues. Johanna was a bit of a craftswoman and has made all sorts of little figures. She had a whole village of them until Jo fell on it and smashed most of them into pieces. Jo was sorry for what she did but in the back of her head, suspicion prevailed. 

Johanna entered the room with a full plate of cookies: I brought a little snack for my little helper. Jo was thinking about what was in these cookies as her stomach growled loudly. Johanna looked at her with a frowning smile: Sounds like somebody didn't eat her breakfast. A thousand pros and cons rushed through Jo's mind: I... am... on a diet but what the hell. She took one cookie and ate it slowly. (Even if there was something in these, I should handle one no problem -Jo reasoned in her mind.) Johanna waved her hand, put the plate on the table and walked away again: Oh you modern girls, always worrying. I had a big ass since I met my husband and he never missed an opportunity cop a feel, Ha! 

After this unexpected revelation Jo could not help but stare at Johanna's swinging, wide hips as she was walking away. In fact, all of her was quite... big.

--After eating only one cookie today Jo was starving when she got home but she had to do the tests, this could not wait. So she took one piece from the box Johanna gave her and ran upstairs. But, all of the drug tests she had at home turned out negative. Maybe she was wrong...

But one thing was sure, she was hungry. So Jo went back down to get some food but all she found was her mother washing the dishes.

Mom, what's for dinner? -she asked in anticipation. Her mother turned sideways holding the empty box and gave away her round, bloated midsection: Nothing for you till you work of your dept.  And don't you dare order anything. I am done taking care of you. With slight worry in her voice, Jo asked: Did you eat all of them? Her mother didn't reply so Jo left and stayed hungry.

--The next morning Jo was afraid her mother was still angry with her so she just wished her a good morning and went over to Johanna's house. All the tests were negative and mom seemed fine. Maybe she was... wrong.

The door opened and she was greeted by a full plate of steaming eggs and greasy bacon: Guess who's not missing breakfast today? Overwhelmed by emotions Jo stood bewildered. She was not used to pleasant surprises. Even after yesterday's introduction, Jo was still shocked how incredibly nice this lady was. With her silvery hair, white apron and a home cooked meal, Johanna looked like an angel straight from feeding heaven: Don't just stand there, come in! I have so many things planned for today...

Without objections Jo followed the wide woman and started salivating as the amazing scent reminded her how hungry she was. When they finally got to the table Jo crammed the whole plate in her mouth in just a few minutes after which she leaned back and let out a satisfied sigh. Suddenly Jo realized Johanna was gone. It was strange a senior of her size had escaped Jo's perception so easily but she was too pleased with her filled stomach to worry about it right now.

A few moments later, as the silence began to be suspicious Johanna came in the room with an even bigger plate of breakfast goodies: I saw how keenly you were forking it up butterfly, so I made you a little more.

Growing up in a single parent household, Jo was also not used to getting something just because she wanted it. Thus the prospect of receiving something extra got her a bit excited. Jo's puppy eyes opened wide as she looked up at Johanna's juicy offering: I can have more?

With a little pity behind her smile Johanna leaned down and stroked her hair: Of Course you can... We can't have our beautiful assistant going hungry now, can we.

--After finishing second breakfast Jo spent the next few hours calmly painting little fantasy folks as her full belly slowly digested the welcome meal. When she finished, Jo got up to look for Johanna but she was there already: Excellent! Just in time. Come help me with something.

Walking to the other room Jo thought it was time to do some actual work but instead she was greeted by a multi course lunch in need of serving. There was so much good food for her to try. 

Johanna turned to Jo and paused for a second. She took a moment to enjoy her accomplishment as she saw the young girl smiling for the first time: ...Alrighty then, Jo you take the sauce and bread. Careful it's hot! I'll take the soup and then we get the rest.

As far as Jo was concerned the following was a feast of legend. She ate her fill of one dish just to discover there was another one, and another one, and another one, oh and there was desert as well. Perhaps she should not have had seconds. But it was all too good to resist. Jo didn't even try to stop until she felt a new sensation in her life. Jo was so stuffed she could not eat anymore. Her belly was full, round and tight. All Jo wanted to do now was take a nap but she still had to spend the rest of the day with Johanna.

And Johanna sure seemed like she was looking forward to it: How did you like lunch? Was it salty enough? I am never sure about that...

Jo answered with a slight grin: I can't even describe with words how good that was.

Johanna looked her in the eyes and waved her finger in the air: You know what they say. A good meal is measured in buttons undone.

Giggling and a bit uncertain if it was just a joke, Jo stood up straight and opened all buttons on her pants: Best, food, ever.

--After lunch Johanna took the dishes to the kitchen and Jo went back to painting. As bloated as she was, Jo thought it would be funny if instead of holding the statue she was working on in her hand, she would just put it on top of her arching belly. Johanna had to laugh out loud when she noticed the little figure balanced on top of Jo. In fact she found it so hilarious Johanna almost dropped the tray of snacks she brought and asked Jo to repeat it every time she would start on a new statue.

Needless to say they had a great evening laughing, snacking and enjoying each other's company until Jo realized it was time for her to go back home: Uf, I better get going before mom starts to worry.

Johanna got up from her chair and walked away: Wait! You can't leave yet, I have prepared something for you.

A minute later Johanna came back with a full plate of what looked like freshly cooked dinner. Jo got a bit nervous because the pressure in her stomach reminded her how much she ate at lunch and since: Thank you but I ate too much today. I'm still stuffed from before.

Johanna set the heap of food in front of Jo and looked her in the eyes: Aren't you supposed to do as I say?

Jo felt a bit conflicted but she didn't want to disappoint her new friend: I mean... I can't go to sleep hungry, right?

Johanna's face lit up with a wide grin: That's right darling.

So Jo began to eat, thinking she would try a polite amount and then excuse herself. But somehow the food tasted even better than before and Jo ended up devouring all of it. The young girl was now uncomfortably full but when Johanna cheerfully suggested trying a second dish, Jo did not resist. 

Johanna was so busy pampering and observing Jo happily stuff her face she didn't even begin eating herself. Jo pushed herself through the pain of her stretching stomach and finished her last spoonful: All... hik, uf... all done.

Johanna was very pleased and put her hand on Jo's swollen pot belly: Good girl! Thank you for staying for dinner. Now let's get you dressed, it's cold outside.

As Johanna watched the rounded girl cross the street with a slight waddle she called out after her: Same time tomorrow butterfly.

It took Jo some time to fall asleep that day but instead of cursing her tummy ache she could not stop thinking about all the tasty goodies: I wonder what Johanna is going to cook tomorrow...

--For the next month Jo was so eager to spend time with Johanna, she barely even talked to her mother. The only conversation they had consisted mostly of Jo explaining how much Johanna insisted on them both visiting for Christmas. Her mother was apprehensive at first but eventually agreed. She wanted to figure out what was going on with her daughter. She barely saw Jo around the house and every time she did, Jo was better behaved and happier than before.

And her mother also noticed Jo started gaining weight, quite a lot of weight actually. Each time she saw Jo, she appeared at least five pounds heavier. At first Jo just looked as if she ate a lot, but then she saw her walk around with her pants undone. And later even her butt spilled out of them as her growing abdomen accumulated more and more fat around itself. Her daughter was practically fattening up before her eyes.

--When Christmas came around and Jo's mother stood up to stretch her legs after stuffing herself silly with the best home cooked meal of her life. But she could not help but think aloud: O god, she's gotten so fat.

Suddenly Johanna stepped to her side: It suits her quite well, don't you think?

Mom turned her head as she pulled her sweater down over her own engorged gut: Oh... yea, definitely. She was always so skinny.

Then Johanna put her hand on mom's arm and smiled: We are finished with our work but I was wondering if Jo could stay till new years. The house gets awfully quiet during the holidays.

They both looked at chubby Jo, still joyfully munching away at anything she could reach and mom answered: Um, sure why not. It's just a week anyways. You two have fun together.

--And so, a week later, as Jo's mother was about to go to sleep after a night shift, somebody gently knocked on the door of the small home with a little roof window. Mom opened the door and saw Jo's eyes peeking out between two huge bags: Quick, help me put these down please.

Mom took one of the heavy bags and they both carried them to the kitchen table: Jo, are those cookies? Instead of answering Jo wrapped her arms around her mother and gave her a mighty hug, almost lifting her off the ground: Hi mommy, I missed you so much.

Mom was shocked by the heartfelt greeting but instinctively tightened her arms around Jo till she realized how hard it was to reach around her sizable daughter. Moms fingers and arms were sinking into the young girls soft flesh and her own belly fat was being squished by her not so little girls enormous gut. As they let go of each other mom stood with an open mouth: Johanna, what has she been feeling you over there? Jo wobbled a bit as she giggled: Oh, everything!


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