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(This story will make more sense if you read part 1.)

-For most comes a time in life when things just work out and life is the best it can be. This is what Elizabeth was contemplating when she woke up in the living room. She was wondering if there is still room for improvement or if she is set to move down a slow declining path. She was breathing slowly and tried her best not to move. Despite the fact she stuffed herself silly during lunch and during dinner yesterday she didnt feel uncomfortably bloated. Not more than usual anyway. This time Elizabeths willing immobilization was caused by the sleepy head stuck between the couch cushion and the side of her belly.

If she stood up right now, Johns head would drop down and interrupt his sweet dreams. So, she decided to wait a bit longer while she gently stroked his hair: Aw, you cute little thing. How did you manage to sleep like that? All squished underneath my thigh.

Some time later Elizabeth opened her eyes and noticed she was alone: I must have fallen asleep again. Elizabeth stood up slowly: Oaaaw, Johny? Honey, are you here?

With no response Elizabeth did the same she did every morning, lifted her arms, arched her back and started to take her T-shirt off. Her sleepiness cleared when her breasts dropped one by one out of the shirt and the cold morning air sparked a thought in her head: I am in the living room with my tits out. So she lowered the shirt again. Good morning mom. -John called out a bit unsure as he was walking around Elizabeth with his eyes fixated on an overfilled trey he was balancing toward the table.

Elizabeth was silent for a second, thinking if she just flashed her step-son. She didnt want to bring it up if she didnt and if she did… These things are bound to happen if you live together, right?

But the perfect distraction was right there on the table: Is that for me? Thats so sweet of you. Nobody has ever made me breakfast before, you know. Usually I am the early bird…

Guess I am late. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Well couch. -John scratched his head, smiling awkwardly. Elizabeth quickly hopped to the side of the couch, laid down and covered herself with a blanket: Oh no Johnny, I was just stretching a bit. I am still warm and cozy in bed. See. Then she stretched out her arms towards the table. She looked at John and raised her eyebrows a bit.

They looked at each other until John moved: O yes, here you go. Elizabeth tilted her head a bit, smiled and placed the tray on top of her belly: Thank you honey, you are such a chevalier.

John didnt know what she said. He was just standing there stupefied. It was now more than a year of their dinners and occasional lunches but Elizabeth looked somehow different today.

She didnt do anything special. She just ate. Its what he saw her doing most of the time they spend together. She was just lying there eating…

Just lying there with the rising sun shining through her unbrushed hair onto her soft face. Her eyes, still a bit tired from the night and a bit worn out by life. Not yet hidden by makeup, her lips already covered in grease. A blanket protected her body from the cold but unable to hide the protruding parts of her overweight frame.

He didnt see a middle aged lady enjoying her breakfast in bed. He saw need, peace and desire. Or was it happiness, emptiness and satisfaction. None of this made sense.

Oh boy, Johnny! Look at the time. You should be going to work. -Elizabeth almost choked on her bacon as she noticed the clock and John rushed off. He stopped by just to look at Elizabeth and say: Goodbye.

She was lying on the couch waving theatrically: Sorry I have been distracting you. We shall meet again… The last thing he saw was Elizabeth comfortably spread over the couch, smiling as she waved at him. Her soft under arm swayed in the motion, sending small waves down to her breast. A half emptied trey balanced on the curve of her jiggling belly supported by the wide pillows of her hips firmly buried in the seat beneath her.

The last thing for Elizabeth was the rest of her tasty eggs she devoured before she lost consciousness for a few more cozy, digestive hours.

-From this point on, regardless if they even saw each other in the morning, John made sure to make Elizabeth a hearty breakfast every day. She adjusted very quickly. After a year of overeating, her stomach was stretched and ready for regular filing. And the naps Elizabeth took each morning helped as well.

She wasnt eating only to spend more time with John anymore. She realized that, but how could she possibly throw away something he made for her. Elizabeth loved every little present she got and could not help but eat every last piece.

The first month of her new lifestyle felt oddly familiar as the constantly bloated feeling she used to have had returned. Recently it was fading until it was completely gone. But now, like an old friend, it was back and occasionally demanded her attention by gurgling loudly or releasing some pressure when Elizabeth least expected it: Urp… Sorry honey. Where are my manners… And we havent even eaten yet. John looked up to her with joy: 247 before dinner. Thats even better than last time. You are a natural mom! Elizabeth couldnt help but smile.

The second month turned out to be simultaneously easier and harder. John had more free time and spent all of it catering to Elizabeth. He stuffed food into her pretty little mouth every chance he got whilst she just relaxed and enjoyed the attention. And just before her last weigh in, Elizabeth crammed so much fodder into her greedy maw that she felt like a pig being led to the slaughter with her stomach so jam-packed, it caused a slight waddle.

Sorry, I didnt mean to over do it this much. Does it hurt? -John asked silently as he carefully helped her walk upstairs.

When they got up, Elizabeth put one hand on her back and one on top of her rounded belly: Huf, remember what I told you last time I was this stuffed?

But John didnt: Fat moms are the best? Elizabeth wanted to laugh, but giggled instead and put her hand on her mouth as she felt something inappropriate would escape her otherwise.

Then John parked his pressurized mother on the scale and held up two fingers. Elizabeth bent down with slight confusion and saw the number 267 between her toes drop down to 266.

Elizabeth was shocked when she understood what he meant and immediately started looking for excuses: Wow honey, our new record! You know what that means… We can take it easy next month, right?

John nimbly stood up: Sure, if you want? Elizabeth was surprised it went this easy and also very relieved because she felt like her abdomen was about to explode. They took a few quick pictures and Elizabeth sent John away so she could finally lie down. He turned around in the door and took one last picture of Elizabeth sitting on her bed with spread legs, holding her ball-like midsection between them and calmly smiling into the camera: Sweet dreams Johnny.

John knew he got carried away. But they had so much fun together since she started gaining weight. One could even say they became food friends. Best food friends. And with such a strong bond he started feeling responsible for her well being. Elizabeth was a good actress and always tried to hide her discomfort from him. However, every time pain showed itself in her voice, Johns worries about Elizabeths health grew larger. So he swore to himself: From now on, I will bring her more only if she asks for it!

The next four months were a relief for Elizabeth. She stopped being an inflatable toy in Johns hands and had more time for herself. She focused more on her old hobby of painting horses. Elizabeth didnt know why, but she loved these animals and often told John horse facts for no apparent reason.

Even though Elizabeth was no longer stuffing herself to the brim every other day, her new lifestyle and sedentary habits still caused a pound or two to stick to her portly hips over time.

293 pounds! -John yelled out loud as he jumped up and down the room. Then he kneeled in front of Elizabeth, put his hands around her love handles and buried his cheek into her belly button: Mom, if you keep up your steady rate, you will be exactly 300 HUGE pounds next month.

Elizabeth was a bit embarrassed by how far she let herself go, but a little excitement did jump onto her as well: Dont you worry Johny. Mommy will keep on gobbling.

Exactly 30 days, 0 hours and 0 minutes later Elizabeth stood in front of the scale again and looked at John teasingly: What do you think honey? Have I lost some weight? She wanted to play with him a little but he was deaf from anticipation. Elizabeth didnt understand Johns fascination with these numbers, but she knew how to use them to great effect. And in order to meet Johns expectations Elizabeth secretly sneaked a little junk food into the house in the last few weeks.

The room was dead silent so she decided to take the step. Elizabeth spread her arms wide and with a ballerina like motion, put one of her now thicker feet on the measuring device. As she shifted her broad mass onto it, her arm fat quivered and silent creaking sounded from underneath her: So? John crouched down: Its… its 301. Elizabeth leaned over a bit, put her hand forward and squished her soft underbelly a few times: Well, guess Im good at keeping reserves huh?

About five weeks after she reached her last milestone, Elizabeth was looking at herself in the mirror. She could not believe how big her body had gotten in such a short time. Then Elizabeth looked down between her feet and felt a slight chill in her spine. She expected it, but seeing the proof was still astonishing. Elizabeth was now twice the woman. She had literally double the poundage and double the mass compared to her old self. Observing the mirror image again, Elizabeth saw two women combined into one beautifully round being, trying to live two lives.

The outer one that any onlooker would notice from afar. Her sizable curves folding underneath her clothes, screaming out loud how much she indulges herself and her family every living moment.

And the inner life that was hidden underneath a thick coat of fat but still strongly beating in her chest. The old insecure Elizabeth, scared of solitude but hopeful for a future full of shared joy and happiness. Perhaps twice the happiness.

Elizabeth turned to the side, ran her hands down the curvature of her rotund gut and cradled in underneath: Guess I am eating for two after all.

In the following months the last vestiges of Elizabeths bodily worries had faded away and she was spending more and more time with John. They were talking about any and all topics including Johns love for cooking interjected by an occasional horse fact by Elizabeth. But it rarely stayed just at a discussion level. Elizabeth always encouraged John to show her what he meant so she could see and taste his latest discoveries. And as the supportive mother she wanted to be, Elizabeth always asked for seconds. However John learned that she really liked something only if she asked for thirds. And as Johns skills took off, so did the rate at which Elizabeth was gaining weight.

Now, two years into Elizabeths growing journey she was experiencing many issues related to her indulgent lifestyle. For instance, her usual clothing types were becoming uncomfortable, so she switched them out for large flowing dresses that hugged her curves on the top and inspired Johns imagination on the bottom as they swayed from side to side with every wobbling step she took.

Also the actual weight of her body made it bothersome to do mundane things like walking upstairs. Luckily she had a young gentleman at hand to bring her all she needed including sugary drinks, a scale for her scheduled weigh-in and snacks for later.

Elizabeth sat in the armchair next to the sofa and looked a bit embarrassed as John came back with the scale: Heh, honey. Could you unwedge your mamas behind from this trap?

John took her hands and brought Elizabeth to her feet with a mighty pull: There you go mom.

Elizabeth felt a bit flustered as her body quivered after the thrust: I am lucky you are so big and strong Johnny. Without you, I would be stuck ass first for eternity.

Johns smile turned into a laugh as Elizabeth smacked her ass just to send it wobbling again:

Lets get me on this thing.

She put her thick feet on the scale and it became clear that Elizabeth was back to her hog ways from before: I feel especially heavy this month. Have I been a good feedee?

John paused wondering where she had learned that word but quickly collected himself: That is 357. You have gained 17 pounds in a month.

Elizabeth smiled down seeing just Johns eyes from below the curve of her fat gut: Oh golly, sweety. Your cooking is doing wonders to my body.

John grabbed Elizabeths dress by her knees and gently pulled on it until it perfectly copied her soft skin underneath: You are beautiful.

In silence a blushing Elizabeth looked into Johns eyes for a few moments.

Then she shook her stomach with both hands: If you are a good boy and feed mamy well, we might just break our record next time.

Ending her sentence with a little slap on her bellys side fat, Elizabeth turned around and joyfully waddled toward the kitchen as her butt-cheeks danced from side to side, creating big waves in her long dress: Oh, I think we forgot to go shopping.

-For most comes a time in life when their increasing age forces them to pay more attention to their health as once physical abilities slowly fade. For this unlikely couple things changed drastically when the ignorance of this law caused a tragedy.

John was frozen in shock when he returned home and saw Elizabeth broken down in the kitchen. She lifted her eyes from the floor with a painful grimace in her face: Your father… they called, he… he died of a heart attack.

It took John multiple days to internalize what happened and begin griefing as he slowly reverted back into introversion. This was perhaps even harder for Elizabeth then losing her husband. Half of her world was gone and the other half was falling apart around her.

On the day of the funeral an unusually silent Elizabeth was greeting family and friends as her mother came to her and dropped a few words with her natural directness: Oh god, this reminds me of when I buried your father. Except I was expecting you at the time. Say, you look a lot bigger than when I saw you last. He didnt leave you with child did he?

Elizabeth was so emotionally overloaded she felt like a helpless kid again: No mother.

Then her mother actually thought about what she said before: Ah, sorry Eli. That was very presumptuous of me. I didnt expect you would be this fat and…We better sit down.

As Elizabeth walked, her thoughts lingered on her physical state. She was sure she was not pregnant: I am just old, tired… and massively overweight.

Elizabeth followed her mother to sit down on the massive wooden bench. And when her body dressed in tight black pants hit the wood, a loud creak overshadowed the somber music for a second. At that moment Elizabeths heart skipped a beat and a hidden shiver opened her inner eye. Now she could clearly see how much her life, body and mind changed in just two short years and for the first time in her life Elizabeth knew exactly what she wanted.

-Back at home Elizabeth tried her best to keep Johns mind off things and knocked at his door: Johnny, can I come in?

He didnt reply so she opened the door: Hi sweety, dont mind me. I just brought you your laundry. John just kept looking at his computer.

Elizabeth put everything neatly in its place and sat down on Johns bed. The mattress sank a few inches under her heavy behind and the bed shifted on the floor as it let out a low groan. When John realized Elizabeth wouldnt leave he turned around: Do you need something?

Elizabeth smiled a bit: Come here honey, sit down next to me.

So he did and then Elizabeth took his hand between hers and kissed it: I love you Johnny. Then she placed his hand on her thigh and slowly pushed it closer and closer to her resting belly.

Suddenly John panicked and stood up: I cant… Ive never… I cant now.! Elizabeth, still holding his hand, turned him around  towards her: Dont worry about it honey. When you are ready. Then she stood up as well and gave him a hug, still holding his hand.

As their bodies pressed against each other, Elizabeth felt a bulge digging deep through her dress into her soft, plump underbelly. Suddenly, Elizabeth grabbed his belt with her other hand as she lowered herself down to the bed again. She pulled him close and looked up into Johns eyes: Dont move.

Elizabeth firmly held his member as she licked a circle around it before slowly shoving the whole thing into her mouth.

As Elizabeths throat filled a deep grunt sounded from within her. She wrapped her lips tightly around John and very slowly pulled him out of her mouth. Then Elizabeth looked him in the eyes again and swallowed: Did that feel good honey?

After a few deep breaths Elizabeth took the hand she was holding the whole time and put his finger into her mouth. She leaned back, hurriedly pulled her dress on top of her belly curve exposing her meaty thighs and wide spreading hips. Then Elizabeth took Johns other hand and licked a second finger as she tried to split her legs as far apart as possible.

Listen sweety, you put this finger as deep as you can into mammy and then you push down. And you know what to do with the other one, right?

She let go of his hands and watched him slowly disappear under her heaving gut as she breathed heavily.

Elizabeth could not see what he was doing but she felt every little move within her and came even quicker then John. Then, after the thrill faded, silence began.

-For the following days and weeks things were very quiet in the house. Both were trying to avoid each other, but for different reasons.

Elizabeths excitement about opening up to John was completely eroded by guilt and doubt. All she could think about was how she took advantage of tragedy. These feelings were made even worse by Elizabeths paranoia. She thought about how the whole world could see what she was doing with her size. Even her mother saw how Elizabeth used her fattening body to manipulate John: And even if it could work… I am too old for him. He deserves to have a better future.

So she stopped leaving the house, hid in her room and just painted until her legs were too tired to stand

John however was not conflicted at all. He was a bit emotionally confused but he eventually got over it. He was not stupid and subconsciously expected everything that has happened. The main difference in his behaviour was in the word mom. He never used it again.

-On a warm Saturday evening John knocked on Elizabeths door: Can I come in?

There was no answer but he went in anyway. She was standing with her back turned, looking out of the window. John noticed her distancing butt barged in anyway: I have a surprise. We are going out tonight!

Elizabeth moved nervously but kept facing away from him and replied with a shaking voice: I… I dont know… Maybe another time…

Although John never thought of himself as such, he was a coward. To this day, he never committed himself to anything. But he has never seen Elizabeth this insecure.

The woman he loved above all, that has willingly inflated her previously sexy, milf body into a the morbidly obese fatty standing in front of him.

Elizabeths tight curves had turned into heavy cushions of soft fat, hanging down from her petite frame and stretching any material trying to contain them. Her big sagging breasts and the two massive balls of fat that were her ass now. All this was a testament to how much high calorie food she was stuffing into her round, distended gut each day. What other woman would willingly destroy her figure and put so much weight onto herself this way. And she did everything just for him…

Suddenly a wave of regret washed over him, exposing all the missed opportunities of the past. But this time he set his lingering doubts on fire and his soul burned with unstoppable rage. She was big for him and now he will be strong for her.

John directed all of his anger into himself and his whole body filled with power. He stood up straight and walked towards Elizabeth with unusual tensity. Ready for anything despite not having any idea what to say, John stood next to her and put his hand on her back, feeling the  soft folds of her skin underneath her dress.

Elizabeth turned her head with a small tear running down her round cheek: Am I too fat?

Her utterly broken spirit pierced a giant gaping hole into Johns chest. He needed a moment to think so he stepped closer and firmly held Elizabeth in his arms for a while. When John let her go, he opened his mouth slightly and Elizabeth was looking at him with a thin smile underneath her tears, wondering what he wanted to say. John leaned his head to Elizabeth and gently kissed her on her salty lips. Then he hugged her again and whispered into her ear: You are not my step-mother, you are my wife now. You are the queen of this house and there is nobody who can stop you from getting as huge and fat as you wish to be.

Elizabeth started crying and burst into laughter at the same time: I look like a mess. Give me a moment to get ready Johnny.

After an eternity John walked back into the room: Are you ready Elizabeth?

She was standing there in the same dress, trying to close a belt around her midsection: Ah… there we go. Oh sorry honey. I am having a hard time finding something that would fit… the occasion.

John just stood there staring at the belt buried into Elizabeths back folds, disappearing down under her gut. All the fat was trying to spill out of her dress front and back, held only by the thinly stretched cloth of her XL dress.

Elizabeth firmly gripped the belt on both sides and pulled it in the middle of her belly that split into two thick folds: Do you think it looks better this way? Or maybe…

She pulled it all the way up on top of her belly, partially hiding it beneath her breasts: Well, this would probably be the most comfortable, right?

John snapped out of it: I could look at you forever but the coach is waiting.

Elizabeths eyes opened wide: No you didnt… She quickly picked her shoes up from the bed and hopped out of the room: Oho-ho-ho…

John caught up to her outside as she was petting the horse and talking to the coach rider. The old Elizabeth was back. Once again she was full of joy and energy. The only difference John could see was how her behind was now comparable in size with the horse she was standing next to.

-As the coach parked at the restaurant a grinning Elizabeth leaned over to John: This part is not very surprising. John swiftly walked around the coach and offered his hand: May I?

Elizabeth took his hand and stepped down. However her high heels and increased weight almost threw John to the ground as she lost balance and bumped into him belly first: Oh my. I am so sorry honey. Are you OK?

John replied with a shy smile: I am fine. I was just staggered seeing your marvelous beauty above me.

Oh you little charmer… -Elizabeth leaned closer with a smile and whispered into his ear: My wide ass got stuck in the little door.

Elizabeth didnt eat much lately and was practically starving. So as soon as she plomped herself down she started the big ordering.

Despite the public nature of the situation, Elizabeth went ham. She did eat like a lady, just faster and bigger mouthfuls. And sitting close at the table also helped to hide her expanding gullet somewhat.

However anyone around them could notice that Elizabeth stopped chewing only when she quietly burped into her hand. Even when ordering more food she was still filling herself with the previous course. Her big breasts were resting on the table for hours as Elizabeth swallowed down as much food as she possibly could.

Couple of hours later Elizabeth disappeared into the bathroom and as she was coming back John noticed her breasts were hanging a bit lower and had spread wider on the table: What did you do with your bra?

Elizabeth could not whisper with her mouth full so she encoded the message: Its feels better below with the belt. And continued stuffing her mouth with cream cake.

After a few more hours Elizabeth opened her mouth like she wanted to release some pressure but nothing happened. She was in pain and desperately needed some relief so she leaned back in her chair, arching her back even more than it already was.

Seeing an engorged Elizabeth stuck on the beach of discomfort, with her tightly packed, round gut exposed to everyone gave John an impulse. He moved his chair next to her and subtly caressed the side of her stretched skin: Is there anything I can do to help you?

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and tried to smile: There is one thing... Could you start calling me mom again? Would it be weird?

John didnt expect this to be on her mind, much less right now: Yes, that would be a bit weird.

Elizabeth started rubbing big circles around her tight belly: Sorry sweety, I wont bring it up again. Hurp… I promise.

Dont be sorry, Ill think about it. -John replied as he started planning how to get this gorgeous piece of a woman out of there. They ended up taking a taxi home where he had to undo Elizabeths belt from her meaty thigh.

-The moaning and waddling was almost theatrical but Elizabeth was not playing anything this time, she was completely and utterly full. So much so, she didnt even want to sit down as John unfolded the couch for her to lie down on. Elizabeth did not want to go up stairs, stand up from a chair and even breathing was difficult with the giant boulder stuck inside her. She was standing there helpless with her protruding belly only wanting to lie down and let Johns fingers gently rub her into a food coma.

To Elizabeths disappointment, John disappeared as soon as he tentatively placed her into her nest of pillows. He returned quickly but Elizabeth already dozed off, so he decided to wait.

It was still dark when Elizabeth felt a warm sensation next to her belly button. She saw John standing above her dressed in a small T-shirt and nothing else. His member was throbbing on top of her still tightly stuffed belly. Elizabeth smiled a bit nervously: I am too full for that right now honey.

John put his hand onto Eliazbeths highest point and very slowly moved it down towards her legs: My mommy is the biggest and most beautiful mommy in the whole world.

Elizabeth shivered as his finger touched her center: Oh, I cant… aaah…

As one hand was massaging her upper belly, the other worked Elizabeth up into bursting.

I love my mommy very, very… -and with a kiss on top of her trembling curve Elizabeth exploded all over his hand.

After some gentle cleaning and belly kneading Elizabeth was in heat again: I cant wait sweety, put it inside mommy. And like this it went until sunrise…

-After this encouraging experience Elizabeth spent the rest of the month spreading little treats all around the house so she could seductively lick, chew or swallow something every time John was in the same room. Even when being served dinner Elizabeth was sucking down little bon-bons and teasing as hard as she could. Her goal was to get John to go down on her before her regular stuffings. It was comfier this way and it also meant he could go hard which she very much liked. Worked like a charm.

-It wasnt long until Elizabeth started to be rewarded for her exceptional eating achievements with her favorite type of massage on a daily basis. This caused her to completely lose her head. Even in her wildest dreams she never experienced such an unending onslaught of sexual and culinary feasts. Her thighs twitched in pleasure so often it actually slowed her weight gain down to mere 10 pounds a month.

-Despite all the intimacies between them, Elizabeth was missing one thing. John was still sleeping in his own room at night. So with her own cunning, she came up with a plan to change it. Exactly the day Elizabeth reached her next milestone and John was all tuckered out from tending to her celebratory needs, she took a blanket cover from her bed and cut it open on the top. Then Elizabeth waited until John fell asleep and sneaked inside his room: (creak) (creak) (creak) Wake up sweety, I have a present for you.

John opened his eyes and saw a bulging, flowery crotch right in front of him. As he raised his head a towering Elizabeth dressed in only a big piece of square cloth put her hands on her hips and wiggled them a bit: I got a mommy pillow for you. Would you like to try it out?

John reached out, sank his fingers into Elizabeths soft cushions and made her giggle. Then Elizabeth smothered his head between her full breasts and squished belly as she rolled her heavy body over him to the other side of the bed. Once her jiggling hips eased themselves into position and some of her fat rested on his side, Elizabeth leaned her chubby cheek on Johns shoulder: Happy 400 Johnny. And in her soft embrace he stayed until the morning.

-Only seven months have passed since Elizabeth gave John her body pillow for a good nights sleep and here she was again. Standing in the bedroom, covered only by one stretched piece of fabric. It wasnt time to sleep but Elizabeth had no more clothes she could physically fit into anymore. Even though this piece made her look like fat sausage she still wanted to wear something.

Johnny, could you maybe order me a dress online? -Elizabeth threw into the air as John was busy beneath her.

John stood up: Sure mom, right after I take your measurements. Elizabeth smiled and put her hands on her chest: Thank you honey. You are such a big help for me. How much is it anyway? Johns eyes darted all around Elizabeths roundness: You weigh 503 pounds.

Elizabeth looked a bit surprised: What? No, no, I cant be 500 pounds. Thats not…

She leaned forward to take a look at the scale as her improvised dress ripped apart on the side and exposed half her body: Oooh… Would you believe this?

John gently patted Elizabeths belly: You doo look like 500…

Elizabeth put on a warm smile: Its 503 sweety. And you should make sure that dress will be stretchy.

-Two months later it was time to summarize Elizabeths third voracious period. The last numbers in the book showed that she went up from a hefty 357 to massive 543 pounds. Alone in the last year Elizabeth added 186 pounds of new fat to her massively obese body. What would be extreme weight gain for a normal person, Elizabeth noted as an average of 15,5 pounds per month. The most outstanding number however, was 26. Elizabeth gained 26 pounds just last month. Almost a pound a day. To be exact it was 0,87 pounds of weight added onto her each and every day.

At this moment a blissful Elizabeth opened the bedroom door: Honeeey, its snuggle time. Then with a slight brush of her hips against the door-frame she entered and exposed her naked body. Slowly she shifted her weight from one leg to the other, as her huge but cheeks, followed by her big breasts and distended belly quivered from side to side. And with her very own cute waddle, Elizabeth moved herself closer and closer until she could finally release the pressure from her legs on the sinking mattress: Huf, enough numbers for now, its time to act! John put the book away: Where is your new dress?

Elizabeth opened her legs and winked mischievously: Today I am easy access mommy.

John touched her hair gently: Well, if you are so easy going… Can I feed you?

Elizabeth paused: But we just ate sweety? Mommys tummy needs a break sometimes.

Then he started kissing her belly: Pleeease… you can eat more… your belly is not full… its all soft and squishy… mommy, please eat a bit more…

Elizabeth squinted her eyes: No Johnny, I really cant. But I promise I will get bigger for you tomorrow honey.

They looked each other in the eyes as his hand slowly traveled over her soft skin down the curve of her round belly: How fat will mommy get?

Elizabeths thick thighs quivered in anticipation: Mommy… Aaah… yes! Mommy will get Very, very fat for you honey. Mommy will eat Everything, you feed her until she cant move. Oooh… and She, Will, get as Fat, as you want her to beeE…

For Elizabeth, these were not just fantasies. For her, food was a direct manifestation of Johns love. And all she had to do was chew and swallow it. This way Elizabeth could put all of it on her hips and be surrounded by it forever. She wanted all he could give her and more. Much more.

Once Elizabeth had recovered from the explosion of pleasure, she heaved her heavy body on top of John and slid his member as deep inside her pusy as her fat deposits allowed her. Elizabeth had been milking John the whole year, trying to get pregnant. But now was her best time of the month and she was not going to waste it: I love you honey.

I love you Elizabeth... Or would you prefer mom. -he answered.

Elizabeths warm smile was speaking for itself: If you treat me this well sweety, you can call me whatever you want.

John shook the lard resting on top of him and smiled: How about, greedy sow.

Oh, now you are pushing your luck mister… -Elizabeth was leaning down, sinking into her own fat, trying to offer him her lips. John lifted his head against the weight pressing down on him. And they met halfway…



Part 3 is partially planed out but it will probably take much longer to get into active production since summer time is a very busy period... Well, unless there would be unexpected demand for it.