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Hi guys, this will be a section dedicated to all the information I discovered about editing files on FF7R, sorry for my english but i hope you understand.

So how can you edit the 3d files and textures of this game, the Square folks like to play tricks so they changed small bits of code to make their game work, let's start with 3d models let's use the initial Cloud's sword as an example you can find it here: FF7\End\Content\GameContents\Character\Weapon\WE0000_00_Cloud_BusterSword\Model

open the file WE0000_00.uexp with the HxD Editor program (or whatever you like best ) at this point go to these values 0000C650 in this line from number 20 count 7 bytes ( figure_1)

At this point begins the code of the first LODBase of the sword from this point you can enter your code of anything, but there is a maximum of space you can occupy the limit is here in this line 00044FD0 ( figure_2 )

Here we insert a simple rectangle as a sword use the classic method for UE4 games same things don't change anything ( import your .gbx file with the scale at 0.39 ) cook your project as usual from your file WE0000_00.uexp go to the same place as in image 1 copy your code and paste it up to the point in image 2 ( here obviously the place will be different just scroll to the point where the bulk of the code ends figure_3 )

At this point you need to delete the excess polygons from the original model, this operation is simple just replace everything with the number 20 ( you can also use this to eliminate polygons, you can even take off a shirt or skirt ) it will be something more or less like this figure_4

At this point save everything and try, you can use the classic method by creating a .pak file or replacing the original file.

If you want you can also replace all the various LODs of the model but being a very big job to do by hand, so just use the game console to disable all LODs now I'll explain how to do it:

go here \Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor if you are missing some folder, create it

at this point create this file Engine.ini and enter this information:


# Edit this file with any CVar changes you want the game to use on startup

# and copy it into your "Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\" folder, as Engine.ini

# (you might need to create the WindowsNoEditor folder, since game doesn't create it by default)

# Uncomment the line below & change to your resolution to set game to use exclusive fullscreen 

# (make sure to run game in DX11 mode via the -dx11 parameter for exclusive fullscreen to work)

# Note that exclusive fullscreen seems to have issues when alt-tabbing!


# Uncomment lines below to disable the buggy dynamic resolution used by the game




At this point you should have your 3d model working in the game, but the game cannot understand the code well and mixes the Vertices creating strange shapes, here we need the help of programmers to fix the code slightly and make everything work perfectly.

Now let's move on to the textures section, here things are much easier, create your own custom texture cook it as usual with UE4 go here: \Final7\out\FF7\End\Content\GameContents\Character\Weapon\WE0000_00_Cloud_BusterSword\Texture 

Replace only this file WE0000_00_Body_C.ubulk and boom, figure_5

this file WE0000_00_Body_C.uexp contains the information of the mipmaps so to avoid problems just disable them, just add this line in the file Engine.ini previously created 


I haven't spent much time on this section but I think if you use the same resolution as the original file there shouldn't be any problems.



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