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So this is a bit of progress on one of the models we are making...

It takes work haha trying to find every imperfection and leave the character as the game or movie is complicated. but we work hard to deliver the best for you.

thank you all for trusting our work.

now i'm going to have a coffee and lay down to sleep. Our team is committed to bring a great quality for you.

Little by little we will get a good quality.

have a good night and thanks again!



Did you see these new cross over versions? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/878838351724167188/1082203763894390844/FqgmfizWIAE8edS.png?width=817&height=670 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/878075772483547176/1082204146192625734/FqgmgOaXsAAo22d.png?width=937&height=666

DTR Studio 3D

Uooowwww this look amazing i will show to my brother maybe we can get this idea for create something... we are talking today about how we really want a new megaman x Thank you a lot BossJoe !!!!